Micheline Chalhoub-Deville

List of John Benjamins publications for which Micheline Chalhoub-Deville plays a role.


Inference and Generalizability in Applied Linguistics: Multiple perspectives

Edited by Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Carol A. Chapelle and Patricia A. Duff

[Language Learning & Language Teaching, 12] 2006. vi, 248 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching


Chalhoub-Deville, Micheline 2006 Drawing the line: The generalizability and limitations of research in applied linguisticsInference and Generalizability in Applied Linguistics: Multiple perspectives, Chalhoub-Deville, Micheline, Carol A. Chapelle and Patricia A. Duff (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Article
Deville, Craig and Micheline Chalhoub-Deville 2006 1. Old and new thoughts on test score variability: Implications for reliability and validityInference and Generalizability in Applied Linguistics: Multiple perspectives, Chalhoub-Deville, Micheline, Carol A. Chapelle and Patricia A. Duff (eds.), pp. 9–25 | Chapter
Chalhoub-Deville, Micheline 1996 Test interpretation, test use, and pedagogical implicationsThe Language Testing Cycle: From inception to washback, Wigglesworth, Gillian and Catherine Elder (eds.), pp. 188–207 | Article
Test score interpretation and use are the staple of construct validity. As such, in addition to the concern with measurement accuracy, it is imperative that the meaning of test scores and their intended use(s) be also documented. Along these lines, qualitative speech analyses are undertaken in the… read more