Thomas G. Bever
List of John Benjamins publications for which Thomas G. Bever plays a role.
11. Biolinguistics today and Platonism yesterday Time and Again: Theoretical perspectives on formal linguistics, Lewis, William D., Simin Karimi, Heidi Harley and Scott O. Farrar (eds.), pp. 227–232 | Article
2009 This contribution expounds on ideas put forth by a group of New York City generative grammarians that language possesses certain essential features that are uncaused and adhere to an abstract ideal form. An analogy of the situation with language is made with certain natural properties of numbers.… read more
Chapter 13. The study of syntactic cycles as an experimental science Cyclical Change, Gelderen, Elly van (ed.), pp. 303–322 | Article
2009 Deconstructing functionalist explanations of linguistic universals Formal Approaches to Function in Grammar: In honor of Eloise Jelinek, Carnie, Andrew, Heidi Harley and MaryAnn Willie (eds.), pp. 333–351 | Article