Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak
List of John Benjamins publications for which Arleta Adamska-Sałaciak plays a role.
Lexicographers as borrowers, or The importance of being CAMP Dictionary Visions, Research and Practice: Selected papers from the 12th International Symposium on Lexicography, Copenhagen 2004, Gottlieb, Henrik and Jens Erik Mogensen (eds.), pp. 203–215 | Article
2007 Linde’s dictionary: A landmark in Polish lexicography Historiographia Linguistica 28:1/2, pp. 65–83 | Article
2001 Samuel Linde (1771–1847), author of the first major monolingual dictionary of Polish, was a native speaker of German. This, together with the complex political situation in which his work originated and proceeded – in Leipzig, Warsaw and Vienna – led to many doubts not only as to the author’s… read more
Chapter 6 Jan Baudouin de Courtenays Contribution to General Linguistics Towards a History of Linguistics in Poland: From the early beginnings to the end of the 20th century, Koerner, E.F.K. † and Aleksander Szwedek (eds.), pp. 175–208 | Chapter
2001 Sound Laws: Reactions Present and Past Historical Linguistics 1997: Selected papers from the 13th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Düsseldorf, 10–17 August 1997, Schmid, Monika S., Jennifer R. Austin and Dieter Stein (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Article
1998 Jan Baudouin De Courtenay’s contribution to Linguistic Theory History of Linguistics in Poland, pp. 25–60 | Article
1998 The extent of Jan Baudouin de Courtenay’s (1845–1929) contribution to general linguistic theory is still hard to assess. He never wrote a major synthetic work, nor has the bulk of his production been translated into English. Thanks primarily to Jakobson, at least his formative influence on modern… read more
On Middle English /a/ and the functions of change Phonological Investigations, Fisiak, Jacek and Stanislaw Puppel (eds.), pp. 221–240 | Article