Louis J. Rodrigues

List of John Benjamins publications for which Louis J. Rodrigues plays a role.

Rodrigues, Louis J. 2007 Frederic Chaume Varela: Cine y traducciónBabel 53:2, pp. 184–193 | Review
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2006 Further observations concerning the translation of Anglo-Saxon VerseBabel 52:3, pp. 280–287 | Article
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2005 Some reflections on poetry in translation and its criticismBabel 51:1, pp. 84–87 | Miscellaneous
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2005 Frederic Chaume: Doblatge i subtitulació per a la TV. 2003.Babel 51:3, pp. 297–298 | Review article
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2005 On translating Salvador Espriu's verseBabel 51:2, pp. 174–183 | Article
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2004 Mercè Rodoreda's short stories: La mainadera and AmorBabel 50:1, pp. 28–44 | Article
Abstract This critical essay examines the literary and linguistic features of two short stories by Mercé Rodoreda, the best-known Catalan woman writer of the twentieth century. Chosen from among others published together under the general title of La meva Cristina i altres contes (My Christina and… read more
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2004 Rosalía de Castro's Galician poems: Nasín Cand'... and Negra SombraBabel 50:1, pp. 60–75 | Article
Abstract Two Galician poems (one from each of two collections: Cantares Gallegos and Follas novas) by Spain’s most renowned poetess are examined in this critical essay, which includes translations into English, Spanish and Catalan together with an analysis of both poems and a commentary on each… read more
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2003 José Martí: VERS LIBRESBabel 49:1, pp. 88–89 | Miscellaneous
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2002 “Memories of Altagracia” by Salvador GarmendiaBabel 48:1, pp. 84–85 | Miscellaneous
Rodrigues, Louis J. 2001 Review of “Translating for Children” by Riitta OittinenBabel 47:4, pp. 382–384 | Review