Marc Capliez

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marc Capliez plays a role.


Mairano, Paolo, Leonardo Contreras Roa, Marc Capliez and Caroline Bouzon 2021 The /s/ ~ /z/ voice contrast in L1 French, L1 Spanish and L1 Italian learners of L2 EnglishLanguage, Interaction and Acquisition 12:2, pp. 210–250 | Article
In this study, we present a comparative corpus-based analysis of the English /s/ ~ /z/ voice contrast for learners of three L1s. Acoustic analysis of periodicity and duration for target segments confirms expectations based on L1 transfer and on the Markedness Differential Hypothesis. We found… read more
English, an international language, is widely taught and learnt as a foreign language in France. However, French learners face pronunciation difficulties, as the two languages differ both on the segmental level (i.e. individual sounds) and on the suprasegmental, prosodic level (i.e. stress,… read more