Philip Baldi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Philip Baldi plays a role.


Subjects Balto-Slavic linguistics | Historical linguistics
Subjects Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Baldi, Philip 2004 William R. Schmalstieg: The Man and the ScholarStudies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics: In honor of William R. Schmalstieg, Baldi, Philip and Pietro U. Dini (eds.), pp. xi ff. | Miscellaneous
Baldi, Philip and Pietro U. Dini 2004 Preface and AcknowledgmentsStudies in Baltic and Indo-European Linguistics: In honor of William R. Schmalstieg, Baldi, Philip and Pietro U. Dini (eds.), pp. ix ff. | Miscellaneous
Baldi, Philip 1996 Comparative-Historical Indo-European Linguistics: Old and NewDiachronica 13:2, pp. 347–364 | Article