Chaim Noy

List of John Benjamins publications for which Chaim Noy plays a role.

Noy, Chaim 2022 Polemic polyphony: Voices of the fools and the righteous in Sheikh Jarrah, East JerusalemDialogicity in Political Discourse, Weizman, Elda and Zohar Livnat (eds.), pp. 815–836 | Article
Bakhtin famously argued that language-as-used is essentially dialogic. One pragmatic implication concerns how dialogicity is established in various contexts. In political discourse, polemic polyphony emerges from the juxtaposition of adversarial voices of political actors: a dialogue in which… read more
Museums offer rich material environments for studying narration as jointly accomplished by institutions and audiences. Following the narrative and participatory turns museums have taken, the research explores the narrative actions audiences’ texts perform vis-à-vis museums’ narrations. It… read more
Schiff, Brian, Chaim Noy and Bertram J. Cohler 2001 Collected Stories in the Life Narratives of Holocaust SurvivorsNarrative Inquiry 11:1, pp. 159–193 | Article