Seongsook Choi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Seongsook Choi plays a role.


Choi, Seongsook and Keith Richards 2017 Chapter 9. The dynamics of identity struggle in interdisciplinary meetings in higher educationIdentity Struggles: Evidence from workplaces around the world, Van De Mieroop, Dorien and Stephanie Schnurr (eds.), pp. 165–184 | Chapter
In response to shifts in requirements for research funding, interest in interdisciplinary engagement has burgeoned, but as yet the interactional dynamics of interdisciplinary meetings have received almost no attention. This chapter draws on a data set of over 20 hours of… read more
This paper explores how power relations are enacted and negotiated in the largely under-researched non-hierarchal leadership constellation of distributed leadership. Drawing on more than 300 hours of audio-recorded interactions of a corpus of interdisciplinary research group meetings, we analyse… read more