Motti Benari
List of John Benjamins publications for which Motti Benari plays a role.
If it is different then how come it is similar? The impressions of sameness and difference experienced by readers of metaphoric language Pragmatics & Cognition 12:2, pp. 351–373 | Article
2004 In the current study of metaphor it is commonly assumed that during a metaphorical reading both an impression of dissimilarity and an impression of similarity are created in the reader’s mind. These separate impressions exist simultaneously and each of them is considered to have linear relations… read more
‘Composition of place’, experiential set, and the meditative poem: A cognitive-pragmatic approach Pragmatics & Cognition 9:2, pp. 203–237 | Article
2001 Meditative poetry has the ability to reproduce aspects of the meditative experience. In this paper we explore this ability, trying to clarify the phenomenon by pointing out the cognitive processes involved. We focus on Christian Jesuit meditation and pinpoint one of its most effective elements:… read more