Joëlle Bailard
List of John Benjamins publications for which Joëlle Bailard plays a role.
Il s’en va où le français, et pourquoi? Papers from the 7th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Giacalone Ramat, Anna, Onofrio Carruba and Giuliano Bernini (eds.), pp. 35–56 | Article
Le français de demain: VSO ou VOS Papers from the Fifth International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Galway, April 6–10 1981, Ahlqvist, Anders (ed.), pp. 20–28 | Article
1982 A Functional Approach to Subject Inversion Studies in Language 5:1, pp. 1–29 | Article
1981 It has been argued by Kayne and Pollock (1978a-b) that, in French, full NP subject inversion (henceforth SI) can be reduced to a stylistic rule of the form Move NP, the application of which would be triggered by WH. To be descriptively accurate, a general analysis of SI would have to take into… read more