Calixto Aguero-Bautista

List of John Benjamins publications for which Calixto Aguero-Bautista plays a role.


Di Sciullo, Anna Maria and Calixto Aguero-Bautista 2016 The biolinguistics program: Questions and hypothesesBiolinguistic Investigations on the Language Faculty, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.), pp. 3–40 | Article
The Biolinguistics Program is an emergent interdisciplinary field encompassing natural sciences, neurosciences and the humanities. Its core object of inquiry is human language. The overarching questions it raises are the following: what is language and what is the relation between language and… read more
Aguero-Bautista, Calixto 2012 Non-native acquisition and language designTowards a Biolinguistic Understanding of Grammar: Essays on interfaces, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria (ed.), pp. 215–238 | Article
Biolinguistics sees language as a cognitive organ and L1-acquisition as a process of language growth. A natural assumption within this approach is that of Lenneberg (1967), who assumes that language growth is subject to certain time restrictions. Some scholars hold Lenneberg’s assumption to be… read more