Nel de Jong

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nel de Jong plays a role.

Lier, Eva van, Ad Backus, Nel de Jong, Rik van Gijn, Konrad Rybka, Jantien Smit, Josje Verhagen, Katherine Walker and Camille Welie 2023 The Netherlands Urban Field Station: How language diversity promotes equality of opportunityLinguistics in the Netherlands 2023, Leufkens, Sterre and Marco Bril (eds.), pp. 293–300 | Article
Lier, Eva van, Ad Backus, Nel de Jong, Rik van Gijn, Konrad Rybka, Jantien Smit, Josje Verhagen, Katherine Walker en Camille Welie 2023 The Netherlands Urban Field Station: Taaldiversiteit inzetten voor gelijkere kansenLinguistics in the Netherlands 2023, Leufkens, Sterre and Marco Bril (eds.), pp. 285–292 | Article
In this study we examine to what extent words and grammatical structures are re-used when a speaking task is repeated with the same content (i.e., specific task repetition). We examine this re-use, which has been argued to support proceduralization and fluency development (N. de Jong & Perfetti,… read more
Vercellotti, Mary Lou and Nel de Jong 2013 Use and accuracy of verb complements in English L2 speechDutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 2:2, pp. 243–250 | Article
The verb complement structure (VC) poses difficulties for L2 learners since English verbs vary on which type of complement they require or allow, and this variability may impact acquisition. Although theoretical papers have discussed this structure, few papers describe the language performance of… read more
There are many ways to teach grammatical structures. In this research, two types of instruction have been investigated. One was rule instruction: the rules were explained to the learners. The other was input enhancement: the learners were given correct examples in which the relevant elements were… read more