Alex Lascarides

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alex Lascarides plays a role.


Lascarides, Alex and Matthew Stone 2009 Discourse coherence and gesture interpretationGesture 9:2, pp. 147–180 | Article
In face-to-face conversation, communicators orchestrate multimodal contributions that meaningfully combine the linguistic resources of spoken language and the visuo-spatial affordances of gesture. In this paper, we characterise this meaningful combination in terms of the COHERENCE of gesture and… read more
Sporleder, Caroline and Alex Lascarides 2007 Exploiting linguistic cues to classify rhetorical relationsRecent Advances in Natural Language Processing IV: Selected papers from RANLP 2005, Nicolov, Nicolas, Kalina Bontcheva, Galia Angelova and Ruslan Mitkov (eds.), pp. 157–166 | Article
Lascarides, Alex and Nicholas Asher 2003 Imperatives in dialoguePerspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, Kühnlein, Peter, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat (eds.), pp. 1–24 | Article
Schlangen, David, Alex Lascarides and Ann Copestake 2003 Resolving Underspecification using Discourse InformationPerspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, Kühnlein, Peter, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat (eds.), pp. 287–305 | Article
Oberlander, Jon and Alex Lascarides 2000 Laconic discourses and total eclipses: abduction in DICEAbduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue: Studies in computational pragmatics, Bunt, Harry and William Black (eds.), pp. 391–412 | Article