Stéphane Jullien
List of John Benjamins publications for which Stéphane Jullien plays a role.
Chapter 6. Explorations in the relations between reference, syntactic constructions and prosody The Acquisition of Referring Expressions: A dialogical approach, Salazar-Orvig, Anne, Geneviève de Weck, Rouba Hassan and Annie Rialland (eds.), pp. 163–199 | Chapter
2021 Based on a cross-sectional corpus of 14 mother-child conversations (aged 2;2 to 2;4), this chapter explores children’s sensitivity to both formal linguistic features and discourse-pragmatic factors. We considered various issues. The first was the sensitivity of young children to discourse… read more
Chapter 5. Referring expressions and developmental language disorders The Acquisition of Referring Expressions: A dialogical approach, Salazar-Orvig, Anne, Geneviève de Weck, Rouba Hassan and Annie Rialland (eds.), pp. 141–161 | Chapter
2021 This study investigated the relation between morphosyntactic and discourse-pragmatic features in the production of referential expressions by French-speaking children with developmental language disorders (DLD) as compared to their typically developing peers (TD). Fifteen TD children and 15… read more