Ahmed Abdel-Raheem
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ahmed Abdel-Raheem plays a role.
Frame exploitation at its worst: The way Egyptian military doctors make sense of illness and cure Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Online-First Articles | Article
2024 Although essential to science and health communication, metaphors can backfire. At this point, any attempt on the part of the speaker to clarify his/her intentions would ultimately prove futile because the mental situation models of speakers and their recipients may not be the same. A debate… read more
Language and cultural cognition: The case of grammatical gender in Arabic and personified gender in cartoons Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19:1, pp. 111–141 | Article
2021 In this paper, we analyze a large-scale corpus of Arab cartoons to measure the correspondence between grammatical gender in Arabic and personified gender in images. The results show that the effect is very strong for males (a near-perfect relationship between the two, grammatical and visual… read more
Mental models, (de)compressions, and the actor’s process in body-swap movies Cognitive Linguistic Studies 5:2, pp. 376–409 | Article
2018 The body-swap comedy, where someone finds themselves inhabiting an entirely different body, is a well-established Hollywood tradition. Crucially, American filmmakers have tried every twist and contortion of this genre premise at a point or another over the past few decades. And yet, other… read more
Metaphoric moral framing and image-text relations in the op-ed genre Information Design Journal 24:1, pp. 42–66 | Article
2018 This article examines the role of visual metaphor for moral-political cognition. It makes use of a large corpus of 250 multimodal op-eds about the Euro crisis and lays the foundation for establishing a general system of image-text relations in the op-ed genre. Specifically, the paper addresses… read more
Mostafa Houssien’s Satan’s Family: Conceptual blending in a post-coup Egypt editorial cartoon Metaphor and the Social World 6:2, pp. 304–325 | Article
2016 After the 2013 coup d’état in Egypt, the Egyptian media launched strenuous campaigns against the Muslim Brotherhood and the West. In this paper, I present a cognitive analysis of a multimodal text of a cartoon with labels, with the goal of gauging its social/political impact. Crucially, the cartoon… read more
The JOURNEY metaphor and moral political cognition Pragmatics & Cognition 22:3, pp. 373–401 | Article
2014 Although researchers have paid much attention to the journey metaphor (e.g., Forceville, 2006a, 2011a, 2011b; Forceville & Jeulink, 2011), little seems known about its role for moral political cognition. Using data from the US and UK public discourses on the Euro crisis as an example, this paper… read more