Fabrice Nauze
List of John Benjamins publications for which Fabrice Nauze plays a role.
Modality and context dependence Cross-linguistic Semantics of Tense, Aspect, and Modality, Hogeweg, Lotte, Helen de Hoop and Andrej L. Malchukov (eds.), pp. 317–340 | Article
2009 This paper argues that the analysis of modality in terms of generalized quantification falls short on three issues. First it is shown that such an analysis encounters serious problems when it come to deontic modality. Second I will show that the standard analysis makes false predictions by allowing… read more
Tense, mood, and aspect in Gungbe (Kwa) Modality–Aspect Interfaces: Implications and typological solutions, Abraham, Werner and Elisabeth Leiss (eds.), pp. 215–239 | Article
2008 This paper is a first attempt at understanding the distribution of tense, mood, and aspect expressions in Gungbe, and the interaction thereof. The discussion shows that Gungbe INFL-related expressions are realized by functional items, which head distinct projections within I. These items may… read more