Alison Biggs

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alison Biggs plays a role.


Biggs, Alison 2018 Locating variation in the dative alternationThe Locus of Linguistic Variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. 1–32 | Article
This paper investigates the structure of the dative alternation in dialects of Northwest British English. This includes theme passivization of apparent Double Object Constructions (It was given her). Detailed investigation shows that different dialects use distinct licensing strategies to derive… read more
Biggs, Alison 2016 Locating variation in the dative alternationThe locus of linguistic variation, Lignos, Constantine, Laurel MacKenzie and Meredith Tamminga (eds.), pp. 151–182 | Article
This paper investigates the structure of the dative alternation in dialects of Northwest British English. This includes theme passivization of apparent Double Object Constructions (It was given her). Detailed investigation shows that different dialects use distinct licensing strategies to derive… read more