Marco Calabria

List of John Benjamins publications for which Marco Calabria plays a role.


Calabria, Marco 2023 Chapter 4. Bilingualism and language control: From neurolinguistics to neuropsychologyBilingualism through the Prism of Psycholinguistics: In honour of Albert Costa, Santesteban, Mikel, Jon Andoni Duñabeitia and Cristina Baus (eds.), pp. 130–158 | Chapter
The field of neuropsychology can contribute to bilingualism research from a multidisciplinary perspective that ranges from psycholinguistics and brain imaging studies. While the psycholinguistic approach provides the outlook on linguistic processes in experimental study of patients with brain… read more
Calabria, Marco, Jesús Pérez Pérez, Saúl Martínez-Horta, Andrea Horta-Barba, Mar Carceller, Jaime Kulisevsky and Albert Costa 2021 Language reconfiguration in bilinguals: A study with Huntington’s disease patientsBi-/Multilingualism and the Declining Brain, Pliatsikas, Christos, Ana Inés Ansaldo and Toms Voits (eds.), pp. 459–483 | Article
The present study investigated language inhibition and cross-language interference as two possible mechanisms of bilingual language control (BLC) that can be affected by Huntington’s disease (HD), a neurodegenerative disease (ND) affecting the striatum. To this aim, the study explored the… read more