Didn’t she say to you, “Oh my God! In Pafos?”
Hypothetical quotations in everyday conversation
This study examines the linguistic and discursive format as well as the functions of hypothetical quotations in
everyday, informal conversations amongst Greek Cypriot friends. Drawing from a dataset of 270 minutes of naturally-occurring
conversations, this study documents the linguistic format of sixty-one hypothetical quotations and examines why speakers resort to
formulating such quotations to begin with. To do so,
Goffman’s (1981) work on footing
and participation framework is employed along with an analysis of these quotations in interaction following the work of
Goodwin (2007). This study shows that most instances of hypothetical quotations are
formulated as direct quotations. There can be both self- and other-quotations, and the quotative can take various forms.
Hypothetical quotations serve an array of discursive functions, such as showing the listener’s involvement in an interaction,
creating humour, supporting one’s argument or refuting the argument of the other, in line with other studies in the
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Materials and methods
- 3.Hypothetical quotations in informal Greek Cypriot interactions
- 3.1The linguistic format of hypothetical quotations
- 3.2The discursive forms and functions of hypothetical quotations
- 3.2.1Acting as an argumentative device
- 3.2.2Making an assessment and showing involvement
- 3.2.3Enacting stereotypical characters
- 4.Discussion and concluding remarks
- Transcript conventions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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