Article published In:
Pragmatics and Society
Vol. 1:1 (2010) ► pp.931
Cited by (29)

Cited by 29 other publications

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2024. The Communicative Constitution of Organizations in an Era of Re-materialization: A Case Study of Three Organizations. In Organizational Communication in the Digital Era [New Perspectives in Organizational Communication, ],  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Fawzy, Rania Magdi & Amir H. Y. Salama
2024. Unravelling the Intra-actional Postdigital Temporality of Touristscapes. Postdigital Science and Education DOI logo
Jacobs, Geert & Julia Valeiras
2024. Whose questions? Ventriloquation in entrepreneurial podcasts. Discourse Studies 26:6  pp. 756 ff. DOI logo
Reumont, Marie, François Cooren & Claudia Déméné
2024. Envisioning sustainability through (un)shared professional visions of the “visual” materials of a design situation: a CCO approach. Journal of Communication Management 28:1  pp. 110 ff. DOI logo
Aroles, Jeremy, John Hassard & Paula Hyde
2023. The language of business and the business of language: Exploring hegemonic linguistic performativity in the UK museum sector. Organization 30:5  pp. 1024 ff. DOI logo
Darics, Erika & Jonathan Clifton
2023. Ventriloquism and the Importance of the Other-Than-Human in Organisational Interaction. In Organisation, Communication and Language [New Perspectives in Organizational Communication, ],  pp. 155 ff. DOI logo
Salama, Amir H.Y. & Rania Magdi Fawzy
2023. The spatiotemporal constitution of Dubai as a semiotically assembled touristscape. Russian Journal of Linguistics 27:3  pp. 570 ff. DOI logo
Lehtinen, Esa & Pekka Pälli
2021. On the participatory agency of texts: Using institutional forms in performance appraisal interviews. Text & Talk 41:1  pp. 47 ff. DOI logo
Bencherki, Nicolas, François Cooren, Boris H. J. M. Brummans, Chantal Benoit-Barné & Frédérik Matte
2020. La culture en tant que cultivation : vers une conception communicationnelle de la culture organisationnelle1. Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique :29  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Bourgoin, Alaric, Nicolas Bencherki & Samer Faraj
2020. “And Who Are You?”: A Performative Perspective on Authority in Organizations. Academy of Management Journal 63:4  pp. 1134 ff. DOI logo
Clifton, Jonathan & Patrice de la Broise
2020. The yellow vests and the communicative constitution of a protest movement. Discourse & Communication 14:4  pp. 362 ff. DOI logo
Meier, Frank & Brigid Carroll
2020. Making up leaders: Reconfiguring the executive student through profiling, texts and conversations in a leadership development programme. Human Relations 73:9  pp. 1226 ff. DOI logo
Bencherki, Nicolas & Alaric Bourgoin
2019. Property and Organization Studies. Organization Studies 40:4  pp. 497 ff. DOI logo
Cnossen, Boukje & Nicolas Bencherki
2019. The role of space in the emergence and endurance of organizing: How independent workers and material assemblages constitute organizations. Human Relations 72:6  pp. 1057 ff. DOI logo
Fauré, Bertrand, François Cooren & Frédérik Matte
2019. To speak or not to speak the language of numbers: accounting as ventriloquism. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 32:1  pp. 337 ff. DOI logo
Pälli, Pekka
2018. Ascribing materiality and agency to strategy in interaction: A language-based approach to the material agency of strategy. Long Range Planning 51:3  pp. 436 ff. DOI logo
Bencherki, Nicolas, Frédérik Matte & Émilie Pelletier
2016. Rebuilding Babel: A Constitutive Approach to Tongues-in-use. Journal of Communication 66:5  pp. 766 ff. DOI logo
Bencherki, Nicolas
2015. Pour une communication organisationnelle affective : une perspective préindividuelle de l’action et de la constitution des organisations. Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique :15  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
Bencherki, Nicolas
2016. How things make things do things with words, or how to pay attention to what things have to say. Communication Research and Practice 2:3  pp. 272 ff. DOI logo
Bencherki, Nicolas
2017. Actor–Network Theory. In The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Bencherki, Nicolas
2018. Écrire les objets / Laisser les objets s’écrire. Revue internationale de psychosociologie et de gestion des comportements organisationnels Vol. XXIV:57  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Cooren, François & Sergeiy Sandler
2014. Polyphony, Ventriloquism, and Constitution: In Dialogue with Bakhtin. Communication Theory 24:3  pp. 225 ff. DOI logo
Arnaud, Nicolas & Colleen E. Mills
2012. Understanding Interorganizational Agency. Group & Organization Management 37:4  pp. 452 ff. DOI logo
Cooren, François
2012. Communication Theory at the Center: Ventriloquism and the Communicative Constitution of Reality. Journal of Communication 62:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cooren, François
2012. Ventriloquism. In The International Encyclopedia of Communication, DOI logo
Cooren, François
2013. Incarnation, sensation and ventriloquism: For a sensitive and constitutive view of pragmatics. Journal of Pragmatics 58  pp. 42 ff. DOI logo
Cooren, François
2015. Ventriloquism. In The International Encyclopedia of Communication, DOI logo
Cooren, François
2015. Ventriloquism. In The International Encyclopedia of Communication,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Cooren, François
2023. Speech Acts and Ventriloquation: The Contribution of Marina Sbisà to a General Theory of Action and Performativity. In Sbisà on Speech as Action [Philosophers in Depth, ],  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo

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