Article published In:
Review of Cognitive Linguistics: Online-First ArticlesA look at, inside, and outside metaphors
The multitudinal interactions of metaphorical meaning
How metaphors are comprehended and their pragmatic effects have long been of interest (Colston, 2019; Gibbs, 2017; Gibbs & Colston,
2012). Attending to the varied constructions where metaphors appear has also advanced our understanding (Athanasiadou, 2017). How metaphors in extra-linguistic mediums has been of particular interest of late, as have the
import of embodied simulations (Bergen, 2012; Cienki &
Muller, 2008; Forceville & Urios-Aparisi, 2009). But these explorations outside of
language and inside the body have left some bits relatively unattended. Metaphors and their host constructions can be embedded into an array
of language genres. These also bring their own idiosyncratic influences on metaphor cognition. Moreover, the target domain content that
metaphors invoke adds to this complex mixture. And metaphors can be layered within metaphors. This paper presents a tour of just some of the
immense fractalesque complexity invoked when we look at the full richness of metaphorical meaning.
Keywords: metaphor, constructions, language genre, meaning, pragmatic effects
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Metaphor within metaphor – The case of picture poems
- 3.External and internal characteristics of linguistic metaphors, shown in, Guitar Riff
- Conjoined antonymy
- Echo
- Bridging
- Pre-use signaling
- Modification
- Alliteration
- 4.External and internal meaning influences, beyond the included poem
- Sophistication
- Imagery
- Discourse patterns
- 5.Language genres
- 6.Target domains
- 7.Interactions
- 8.Conclusion
- Notes
Published online: 25 June 2024
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