Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics

Special issue of Review of Cognitive Linguistics 11:2 (2013)

María Jesús Pinar Sanz | University of Castilla-La Mancha
[Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 11:2] 2013.  vi, 206 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 28 November 2013
Table of Contents
Multimodality and Cognitive Linguistics: Introduction to the Special Volume
María Jesús Pinar Sanz
Cross-modal resonances in creative multimodal metaphors: Breaking out of conceptual prisons
Elisabeth El Refaie
Metaphor and symbol: SEARCHING FOR ONE’S IDENTITY IS LOOKING FOR A HOME in animation film
Charles Forceville
Woven emotions: Visual representations of emotions in medieval English textiles
Javier E. Díaz-Vera
Approaching the utopia of a global brand: The relevance of image schemas as multimodal resources for the branding industry
Lorena Pérez-Hernández
Multimodal metaphors in political entertainment
Diana Elena Popa
The visual representation of metaphor: A social semiotic approach
Dezheng Feng and Kay L. O’Halloran
Visual metonymy in children’s picture books
Aresenio Jesús Moya-Guijarro
The establishment of interpretative expectations in film
John A. Bateman and Chiaoi Tseng
Multimodal digital storytelling: Integrating information, emotion and social cognition
Isabel Alonso, Silvia Molina Plaza and M. Dolores Porto
Intermedial cognitive semiotics: Some examples of multimodal cueing in virtual environments
Asunción López-Varela
Multimodality in Conversational Humor
Salvatore Attardo, Lucy Pickering, Fofo Lomotey and Shigehito Menjo
Image schemas and mimetic schemas in cognitive linguistics and gesture studies
Alan Cienki
Cited by (1)

Cited by one other publication

Piotrowska, Maria
2021. Voter Education for Women in Multiethnic Kenyan Society: The Case Study of 2017 General Elections. International Journal of African Studies 1:3  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo

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