Degrees of mirativity
This paper studies degrees of mirativity as grammaticalised in the Indo-Aryan language Odia by four light verb constructions, asymmetric complex predicates combining a lexical verb with a (partially) bleached light verb. As such, these light verb constructions can be considered non-parasitic expressions of mirativity. The present paper adds a number of important new insights to the discussion of mirativity. Firstly, we show that mirativity is a complex category which, next to the prototypical notion of surprise, also comprises the notion of “unsupposedness”. Secondly, we demonstrate that the four constructions vary in the degree of mirativity they express. These differences can be related to features of transitivity, such as volitionality or control and affectedness (as contextually realised by the process size, impact, force, or scope). This hypothesis is confirmed by two corpus studies: a collostructional analysis (based on verb types) and a comparison of contexts for constructional minimal pairs.
Article outline
- 1.Odia light verbs: Non-parasitic expressions of mirativity
- 2.General properties of ‘V-go’, ‘V-fall’, ‘V-give’, and ‘V-drop’
- 2.1The grammar of completion and MIRATIVITY
- 2.2Lexical versus grammatical expression of completion
- 2.3Degrees of MIRATIVITY
- 3.Corpus and analysis
- 4.Corpus-based analysis of ‘V-go’, ‘V-fall’, ‘V-give’ and ‘V-drop’
- 4.1Comparison of verb types
- 4.1.1Intransitive ‘-go’ and ‘-fall’
- Main verb distribution
- Collostructional analysis
- 4.1.2Transitive ‘-drop’ and ‘-give’
- Main verb distribution
- Collostructional analysis
- 4.2Comparison of context types
- 4.2.1Intransitive ‘-go’ and ‘-fall’
- 4.2.2Transitive ‘-drop’ and ‘-give’
- 5.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
- Abbreviations
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
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Rise and be surprised: Aspectual profiling and mirativity in Odia light verb constructions.
Cognitive Linguistics 30:1
► pp. 123 ff.

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