Reinardus | Yearbook of the International Reynard Society

Main information
ORCID logoRichard Trachsler | Universität Zurich | richard.trachsler at
Baudouin Van den Abeele | Université catholique de Louvain | baudouin.vandenabeele at
Reinardus is an international, peer-reviewed journal, which aims to promote comparative research in the fields of medieval comic, satirical, didactic, and allegorical literature, with emphasis on beast epic, fable and fabliau, including sources, influences and later developments into the modern period. The methods and critical interpretations it offers are as wide-ranging as is its subject matter, since it considers discussion and the coexistence of conflicting views as more important than the defence of a specific methodological point of view.
ISSN: 0925-4757 | E-ISSN: 1569-9951
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Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2023. iv, 240 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2022. iv, 197 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2021. iii, 167 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2020. iv, 212 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2019. iv, 273 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2018. v, 262 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2017. iii, 284 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2016. v, 185 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2015. viii, 262 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler and Baudouin Van den Abeele
2014. vi, 224 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler, Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2013. v, 174 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler, Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2012. vi, 259 pp.
Edited by Richard Trachsler, Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2011. vi, 218 pp.
Edited by Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2010. iv, 207 pp.
Edited by Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2009. iv, 220 pp.
Edited by Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2008. 200 pp.
Edited by Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2007. iv, 198 pp.
Edited by Baudouin Van den Abeele and Paul Wackers
2005. 227 pp.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
2004. vi, 211 + 13 pp. ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
2003. vi, 212 pp. + 8 ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
2002. vi, 210 pp. + 16 ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
2001. vi, 312 pp. + 16 pp. ill.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
2000. viii, 278 pp.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1999. vi, 248 pp.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1998. 246 pp. + ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1997. 235 pp. + 16 ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1996. vi, 216 pp.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1995. vi, 226 pp.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1994. iv, 236 pp. + 17 ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1993. vii, 212 pp., 7 ills
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1993. 248 pp. + 19 ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1992. 246 pp., 19 ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1991. ii, 250 pp., 15 ills.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
1990. viii, 240 pp.
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
Edited by Brian J. Levy and Paul Wackers
Editorial Board
Daron Burrows | University of Oxford
Keith Busby | University of Madison
Paola Cifarelli | Università degli Studi di Torino
José Manuel Fradejas Rueda | Universidad de Valladolid
Thomas Honegger | Friedrich Schiller-Universität Jena
Jill Mann | University of Notre-Dame
Sabine Obermaier | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Paul Wackers | University of Utrecht
Arnaud Zucker | Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
Subscription Info
Current issue: 35, available as of March 2024

General information about our electronic journals.

Subscription rates

All prices for print + online include postage/handling.

Online-only Print + online
Volume 37 (2025): 1 issue; ca. 250 pp. EUR 174.00 EUR 234.00
Volume 36 (2024): 1 issue; ca. 250 pp. EUR 169.00 EUR 213.00

Individuals may apply for a special online-only subscription rate of EUR 65.00 per volume.
Private subscriptions are for personal use only, and must be pre-paid and ordered directly from the publisher.

Available back-volumes

Online-only Print + online
Complete backset
(Vols. 1‒35; 1988‒2023)
36 issues;
8,750 pp.
EUR 4,150.00 EUR 4,462.00
Volume 35 (2023) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 164.00 EUR 194.00
Volumes 32‒34 (2020‒2022) 1 issue; avg. 250 pp. EUR 164.00 per volume EUR 190.00 per volume
Volume 31 (2019) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 161.00 EUR 186.00
Volume 30 (2018) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 156.00 EUR 181.00
Volume 29 (2017) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 151.00 EUR 176.00
Volume 28 (2016) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 151.00 EUR 171.00
Volume 27 (2015) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 151.00 EUR 166.00
Volume 26 (2014) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 151.00 EUR 161.00
Volume 25 (2013) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 151.00 EUR 156.00
Volume 24 (2012) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 147.00 EUR 151.00
Volume 23 (2011) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 143.00 EUR 147.00
Volume 22 (2010) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 139.00 EUR 143.00
Volume 21 (2009) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 135.00 EUR 139.00
Volume 20 (2007) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 131.00 EUR 135.00
Volume 19 (2006) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 127.00 EUR 131.00
Volume 18 (2005) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 121.00 EUR 125.00
Volume 17 (2004) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 115.00 EUR 118.00
Volume 16 (2003) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 109.00 EUR 112.00
Volume 15 (2002) 1 issue; 250 pp. EUR 97.00 EUR 100.00
Volumes 13‒14 (2000‒2001) 1 issue; avg. 250 pp. EUR 87.00 per volume EUR 90.00 per volume
Volumes 1‒12 (1988‒1999) 1 issue; avg. 250 pp. EUR 82.00 per volume EUR 85.00 per volume

Reinardus invites submissions in line with the aim and scope of the journal. Before submitting, please consult these guidelines. Articles, notes and queries, news from societies, review copies of books, etc., should be sent to the Editors:

Richard Trachsler   Baudouin Van den Abeele
richard.trachsler at   baudouin.vandenabeele at
Romanisches Seminar   Departement d’Histoire
Universität Zürich   UCLouvain
Zürichbergstrasse 8   Place Blaise Pascal 1
CH-8032 Zürich   B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Switzerland   Belgium


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Main BIC Subject

DSBB: Literary studies: classical, early & medieval

Main BISAC Subject

LIT004130: LITERARY CRITICISM / European / General