Revisited interpretation of Ta’ārof
Towards a model of analysing meta-implicatures of Persian offers in Iranian films
Speech acts used in doing
ta’ārof (Iranian system of politeness) have been conceptualized in terms of
both positive (i.e. sincere or genuine) and negative (i.e. ritual or ostensible) meanings. This study aimed to revisit the interpretation of
the negative meaning by concentrating on
ta’ārof (ritual) offers produced by characters in Iranian films. First, these
items were identified and distinguished from their genuine counterparts based on the strategies used in their structures and analysing their
contextual features respectively. Then, the researcher proposed a model in which she adopted the notion of
Leech’s (1983) meta-implicature (indirect implicature) to explicate the negative meaning of
offers. She grouped a series of effective factors in working out these meta-implicatures. Finally, a tentative hierarchy of stages for
identification and interpretation of
ta’ārof offers in Iranian films were proposed.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Studies on Persian Offers
- 1.2Cultural concepts relevant to Ta’ārof
- 1.3Notion of Meta-Implicature
- 2.Method
- 3.Results and data analysis
- 3.1Offer of money
- 3.2Compliment response
- 3.3Other features
- 4.Discussion and conclusion
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