Chapter 1
Research methods in study abroad
A critical state of the art account
The chapter summarizes the evolution of SA research from the 90s to the present, a field that has become an
established area of inquiry with theoretical impact and methodological sophistication. SA research has incorporated the different
approaches and methodological changes that have characterized second language acquisition (SLA) scholarship, including technological
advances and new designs and approaches to research. This trajectory suggests it is now a good time to stop and reflect upon the
methodological developments that have taken place in our field, to identify strengths and weaknesses, and to look ahead and point towards
new directions. The first section of the chapter presents a bird’s eye view of study abroad (SA) research, while the second summarizes
results from published meta-analyses on methodology implemented in empirical studies on personal and language development in immersive
contexts abroad. Based on the information presented throughout the volume, the chapter then moves to present a critical summary of the
limitations identified in past research as well as proposals for future SA studies.
Article outline
- Introduction
- The enquiry into SA effects on language development: A bird’s-eye view
- The enquiry into research methods in SA
- This volume
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Vidal, Carmen Pérez
Study Abroad as a Pedagogical Framework. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.

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