Chapter 16
Analysing L2 writers’ processing of written corrective feedback via
written languaging and think-aloud protocols
Methodological considerations
This chapter provides a reflection on the methodological
decisions taken in a study that investigated the affordances of diverse data
collection procedures for inspecting depth of processing of written
corrective feedback, namely think-aloud protocols, written languaging, and a
combination of both. We will start by formulating the overall aims and the
specific questions guiding the study and by providing a synthetic account of
the rationale behind our aims and methods. In the main part of the chapter,
we will report (i) the main challenges and problems experienced when
analysing the data as well as the solutions adopted; and (ii) the kind of
data on feedback processing provided by the three data collection procedures
used in the study. We will close with methodological conclusions for future
studies intended to shed light on depth of processing of written
corrective feedback.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Overview of the global research program and of the study: Rationale, aims, and methods
- Rationale
- Research questions
- Methods
- Tasks and procedures
- The writing task
- Data coding considerations: Challenges faced and decisions taken when developing a coding scheme
for DoP of feedback
- Operationalizing DoP
- Setting up a coding scheme of DoP
- Data and unit of analysis
- Analysis of the think-aloud protocols
- Analysis of the written languaging tables
- Setting up a coding scheme for the global data
- Nature of the data provided in different processing conditions and affordances for inspecting DoP
- Relevant methodological conclusions and implications for future