Education University of Hong Kong


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Education University of Hong Kong plays a role.


Subjects Cognitive linguistics | Historical linguistics | Sino-Tibetan languages | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Altaic languages | Austro-Asian languages | Austronesian languages | Sino-Tibetan languages | Theoretical linguistics
Ding, Hongdi & Sicong Dong 2024 Interrogatives of reason in Tibeto-Burman languages of Sichuan
Language and Linguistics 25:2pp. 187–233 | article
Keywords interrogatives of reason | verbal interrogatives | Tibeto-Burman languages | purpose & cause | typology
Liu, Fung Ming Christy 2024 Scrutinizing job satisfaction during COVID-19 through Facebook: Voices of Chinese translators
Translation Spaces 13:1pp. 102–125 | article
Keywords job satisfaction | job dissatisfaction | translators | COVID-19 | Facebook | social media data
Han, Qianwen, Jing Xuan Tian & Hsueh Chu Chen 2023 L3 prosody: Cross-linguistic influence of prosodic features in Mandarin and English by Cantonese multilinguals
In: L3 Development After the Initial State, Brown, Megan M., Suzanne! Flynn & Éva Fernández-Berkes (eds.) [Studies in Bilingualism, 65] p. 96
Keywords pronunciation learning | L2 phonology | multilingualism | cross-linguistic influence | prosody
Tang, Hoa K., Khanh H. Nguyen & Nguyen H. N. Luong 2023 The tension between English-medium instruction and Vietnamese-medium instruction in higher education: A graduate retrospect
Keywords English-medium instruction (EMI) | Vietnamese-medium instruction (VMI) | information technology (IT) | uneven distribution | self-amplifying loop | disparity
Trent, John 2022 EMI as discursive positioning: Exploring the voices of content subject teachers in Hong Kong
Keywords English medium of instruction | Hong Kong | dialogism | positioning theory
Ou, Amy Wanyu, Francis M. Hult & Michelle Mingyue Gu 2022 Language policy and planning for English-medium instruction in higher education
Keywords English-medium instruction (EMI) | language policy | language planning | higher education
Ou, Wanyu Amy, Mingyue Michelle Gu & Francis M. Hult 2021 Discursive ripple effects in language policy and practice: Multilingualism and English as an academic lingua franca in transnational higher education
Keywords English as an academic lingua franca | transnational higher education | English medium instruction | multilingualism | language policy | nexus analysis
Ho, Janet & Ming Ming Chiu 2021 Media portrayals of the Hong Kong Occupy Central Movement’s social actors: Multilevel and critical discourse analysis
Keywords Occupy Central | Hong Kong | news media | social actors | multilevel analysis | critical discourse analysis
Liang, Yuan & Lian-Hee Wee 2021 Melodic-prosodic duality of the syllable: An application to Chinese
Language and Linguistics 23:1p. 82 | article
Keywords syllable | mora | foot | segment | feature | prosody
Zhang, Ling 2021 Syllable isochrony and the prosodic features of stop syllables in Cantonese
Language and Linguistics 23:1pp. 20–46 | article
Keywords syllable isochrony | stop syllable | entering tone | prosodic feature | Cantonese
Jin, Jing 2020 A revisit to the [Num-Cl-Modifier-de-N]/ [Modifier-de-Num-Cl‑N] variation in Mandarin Chinese
Language and Linguistics 21:2pp. 213–253 | article
Keywords word order | modifier | syntax-semantics interface | syntax-discourse interface | nominal phrase
Trent, John 2020 The positioning of English-medium of instruction: Winners and losers in “the game of EMI” at two Russian universities
Keywords English-medium of instruction | higher education | Russia | positioning
Zhang, Ling & Liu Shi 2021 Acoustic analysis of Chinese tone production by Thai-speaking learners of L2 Chinese
Journal of Second Language Studies 3:2pp. 180–204 | article
Keywords tone production | L2 speakers of Chinese | Thai speakers | acoustic analysis | error analysis | pitch | duration
Chan, Yuen I & Hsueh Chu Chen 2020 Hong Kong Cantonese university students’ tonal errors in Mandarin and their relation to L1 influence
Keywords speech learning model | Mandarin tones | L2 acquisition | contrastive analysis | 語音學習模型 | 普通話聲調 | 二語習得 | 對比分析
Chen, Hsueh Chu & Qian Wang 2019 The effects of Hong Kong L2 English speakers’ phonological features on listeners’ cognitive and affective perceptions
Keywords speech production and perception | second language pronunciation | foreign accent
Tsoi, Ling Yu Debbie & Fung Ming Christy Liu 2019 Translation, culture and politics: Implications of political slogans in Hong Kong
Translation Spaces 8:2pp. 280–299 | article
Keywords political translation | translation methods | domestication and foreignization | reader response criticism | bilingual slogans
Gathercole, Virginia C. Mueller, Enlli Mon Thomas, Nestor Viñas Guasch, Ivan Kennedy, Cynog Prys, Nia Young, Emily J. Roberts, Emma K. Hughes & Leah Jones 2019 Teasing apart factors influencing executive function performance in bilinguals and monolinguals at different ages
In: Bilingualism, Executive Function, and Beyond: Questions and insights, Sekerina, Irina A., Lauren Spradlin & Virginia Valian (eds.) [Studies in Bilingualism, 57] pp. 295–336
Keywords executive function | bilingual advantage | Simon task
Zhu, Qingzhi & Bohan Li 2018 The language of Chinese Buddhism: From the perspective of Chinese historical linguistics
Keywords Buddhist Chinese | Chinese translation of Indian Buddhist scriptures | Sanskrit-Chinese comparative collation | Chinese historical linguistics | Classical written Chinese | vernacular written Chinese
Liu, Li & Hin Tat Cheung 2018 The partial productivity of schematic idioms in Chinese: Evidence from speakers’ judgment
Language and Linguistics 19:1p. 80 | article
Keywords schematic idioms | partial productivity | emergentist
Liu Christy Fung Ming 2017 Perception of translation graduates on translation internships, with mixed-methods approach
Babel 63:4pp. 580–599 | article
Keywords translation education | translation internships | mixed-methods research | translator training | enseignement de la traduction | stages de traduction | recherche basée sur une méthodologie mixte | formation du traducteur
Ma, Qing 2015 A process-focused learning model for L2 vocabulary acquisition: Construction, implementation and validation
Keywords L2 vocabulary acquisition | learning stages, vocabulary learning strategies | structural equation modelling
Lai, Mee Ling 2015 Power redistribution of languages in Hong Kong under a new national flag
Keywords Matched-guise test | Hong Kong | language competition | language attitudes
Luk, Zoe Pei-sui 2014 Investigating the transitive and intransitive constructions in English and Japanese: A quantitative study
Studies in Language 38:4pp. 752–791 | article
Keywords transitive | intransitive | Japanese | English | frequency | Construction Grammar
Liu Fung-ming Christy & Chan Andy Lung Jan 2014 Learning and Teaching Translation in an Age of Mass Higher Education: A quantitative survey of the sub-degree translation programme graduates in Hong Kong
FORUM 12:1pp. 23–39 | article
Keywords Translation education | mass higher education | Hong Kong | quantitative survey | learning outcome.
Hsu, Ning, Hintat Cheung, Enan Wang & Tai-Li Chou 2013 Narratives of Mandarin-speaking patients with schizophrenia
In: Chinese Language Narration: Culture, cognition, and emotion, McCabe, Allyssa & Chien-ju Chang (eds.) [Studies in Narrative, 19] pp. 181–206
Li, David C.S. 2011 ‘Perfective paradox’: A cross-linguistic study of the aspectual functions of -guo in Mandarin Chinese
Chinese Language and Discourse 2:1pp. 23–57 | article
Keywords contrastive aspectology | aspect | aspectology | Aktionsart | tense
Holme, Randal 2010 Construction grammars: Towards a pedagogical model
AILA Review 23:1pp. 115–133 | article
Deterding, David, Jennie Wong & Andy Kirkpatrick 2008 The pronunciation of Hong Kong English
English World-Wide 29:2pp. 148–175 | article
Keywords Hong Kong English | ASEAN English | South-East Asian English | consonant clusters | L-vocalisation | TH-fronting | vowel quality | vowel reduction | rhythm
Wong, Lillian & Phil Benson 2008 15. In-Service CALL education: What happens after the course is over?
In: Teacher Education in CALL, Hubbard, Philip & Mike Levy (eds.) [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 14] pp. 251–264
Kong, Siu Cheung & Lam For Kwok 2003 Modeling a cognitive tool for teaching the addition/subtraction of common fractions
Keywords cognitive tool (CT) | common fraction | evaluation | cognitive task analysis