National Chung Cheng University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with National Chung Cheng University plays a role.


Ionin, Tania, Amy Atiles, Sea Hee Choi, Chae Eun Lee & Mien-Jen Wu 2024 Revisiting plurality in SLA: Evidence from comprehension and production
Keywords plural marking | noun phrases | Mandarin Chinese | English
Lin, Chien-hung & Jung-hsing Chang 2023 Directional verb constructions in Mandarin: The interface of syntax and pragmatics
Concentric 49:2pp. 224–260 | article
Keywords directional verb construction | activation state | focus domain | RRG | 趨向動詞結構 | 活化狀態 | 焦點範疇 | 角色指稱語法
Zhang, Niina Ning 2022 Head dependency and degree words in Mandarin
In: New Horizons in Chinese Syntax, Simpson, Andrew (ed.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 272] pp. 293–300
Zhang, Niina Ning 2022 Two kinds of selection marking
Keywords correlative adverb | selection marker | argument-taking | modification | adverbial clause
Wu, Mien-Jen & Tania Ionin 2022 L1-Mandarin L2-English learners’ acquisition of English double-quantifier scope
Keywords second language acquisition | quantifier scope | positive evidence | English | Mandarin
Zhang, Niina Ning 2022 Defective incorporating verbs in Mandarin
Language and Linguistics 23:2pp. 329–348 | article
Keywords agent-oriented resultative | incorporation | restriction | saturation | Mandarin
Myers, James 2022 Areal script form patterns with Chinese characteristics
Written Language & Literacy 24:2pp. 259–283 | article
Keywords Chinese characters | Tangut script | Japanese katakana | Korean hangul | writing system grammar | script outer form | areal patterns
Myers, James 2021 Meta-megastudies
In: Polylogues on The Mental Lexicon: An exploration of fundamental issues and directions, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema & Victor Kuperman (eds.) pp. 17–44
Huang, Chenhsuan 2019 Chinese near-synonyms jian (建), zao (造), gai (蓋) ‘to build’ revisited
Keywords Mandarin | near-synonym | regression analysis | word length | written | spoken | genre variation
Lin, Huei-Ling 2018 Benefactive and malefactive constructions in Taiwan Southern Min
Language and Linguistics 19:2pp. 209–230 | article
Keywords Taiwan Southern Min | benefactive construction | malefactive construction | ka construction | hoo construction
Chang, Hui-Huan & D. Victoria Rau 2017 A corpus-based analysis of word order variation in Yami relative clause construction
Keywords Yami | relative clause construction | word order | variation | information flow | 達悟語 | 關係子句結構 | 詞序 | 變異 | 訊息流
Chen, Victoria & Paromita Pain 2017 News sources and the same sex marriage issue: Through the lens of the agenda-setting theory
The Agenda Setting Journal 1:2pp. 158–179 | article
Keywords same-sex marriage | news sources | public opinion | affective attribute salience | agenda-setting theory
Myers, James 2016 Meta-megastudies
The Mental Lexicon 11:3pp. 329–349 | article
Keywords megastudies | typology | Chinese | cross-linguistic
Myers, James 2012 Chinese as a natural experiment
In: Methodological and Analytic Frontiers in Lexical Research, Libben, Gary, Gonia Jarema & Chris Westbury (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 47] pp. 155–169
Myers, James 2011 Chinese as a natural experiment
The Mental Lexicon 5:3pp. 421–435 | article
Keywords phonology | Chinese | lexical processing | orthography | morphology | cross-language psycholinguistics
Vaid, Jyotsna, Hyun Choi, Hsin-Chin Chen & Mike Friedman 2008 Perceiving and responding to embarrassing predicaments across languages: Cultural influences on the emotion lexicon
The Mental Lexicon 3:1pp. 122–148 | article
Zhang, Niina Ning 2007 Universal 20 and Taiwan Sign Language
Sign Language & Linguistics 10:1pp. 55–81 | article
Keywords hierarchy | parameter | Universal 20 | Taiwan Sign Language | word order | noun phrase | intra-linguistic variation