Victoria University of Wellington


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Victoria University of Wellington plays a role.

Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition

Edited by Irina Elgort, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia & Marc Brysbaert

[Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 16] 2023. | edited volume
Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies

Philip Durrant, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, Benjamin Kremmel & Suhad Sonbul

[Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2] 2022. | course book
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching

How Emotions Are Made in Talk

Edited by Jessica S. Robles & Ann Weatherall

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 321] 2021. | edited volume
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics

To Hell and Back: An anthology of Dante's Inferno in English translation (1782–2017)

Tim Smith & Marco Sonzogni

2017. xx, 295 pp. | monograph
Subjects Theoretical literature & literary studiesTranslation Studies

Making and Using Word Lists for Language Learning and Testing

I.S.P. Nation

2016. xiv, 210 pp. | course book
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching

Re-Covered Rose: A case study in book cover design as intersemiotic translation

Marco Sonzogni

2011. viii, 181 pp., incl. ills. | monograph
Subjects SemioticsTheoretical literature & literary studiesTranslation Studies
Subjects Discourse studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | PragmaticsIndustrial & organizational studies
Sulehry, Rizwan Sarwar & Derek Wallace 2023 Identifying the discursive trajectory of social change – a systematic discourse theoretical framework
Journal of Language and Politics 22:2pp. 245–267 | article
Keywords discourse theory | framing | methodological development | news discourse | Pakistan politics
Macalister, John 2023 Language policy and national identity evolution in a new nation: A Timorese Linguistic Landscape revisited
Linguistic Landscape 10:2pp. 111–135 | article
Keywords national identity | emerging nations | language policy | language planning | language practice | graffiti
Entezari, Mahnaz & Mojtaba Tadayonifar 2024 Task complexity and task type: L1 use and functions
TASK 3:2pp. 336–360 | article
Keywords TBLT | task complexity | task type | L1 use | the Cognition Hypothesis
Bauer, Laurie 2023 A terminological problem: Humboldt’s Universal
Diachronica 40:3pp. 433–437 | brief report
Keywords biuniqueness | Humboldt’s Universal | isomorphism | one form – one meaning | uniformity
Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia & Marc Brysbaert 2023 Cross-language influences in bilingual processing and second language acquisition: An introduction to the volume
In: Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia & Marc Brysbaert (eds.) [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 16] pp. 1–16
Keywords bilingualism | second language acquisition | cross-language influences | phonology | lexicon | morphosyntax
Calhoun, Sasha, Paul Warren & Mengzhu Yan 2023 Cross-language influences in the processing of L2 prosody
In: Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia & Marc Brysbaert (eds.) [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 16] pp. 47–73
Keywords prosody | L2 speech processing | L2 prosody learning models | L2 word segmentation | L2 syntactic processing | L2 information structure processing | L2 pragmatic comprehension
De Deyne, Simon, Marc Brysbaert & Irina Elgort 2023 Cross-language influences in L2 semantic and conceptual representation and processing
In: Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia & Marc Brysbaert (eds.) [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 16] pp. 152–186
Keywords cross-linguistic | semantic equivalence | bilingual meaning representations | distributional semantics | dual-coding
Du, Lingli, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia & Irina Elgort 2023 Cross-language influences in the processing of L2 multi-word expressions
In: Cross-language Influences in Bilingual Processing and Second Language Acquisition, Elgort, Irina, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia & Marc Brysbaert (eds.) [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 16] pp. 187–210
Keywords Crosslinguistic influence | multi-word expressions (MWEs) | activation (L1 activation) | congruency effect | MWE processing | binomials | idioms | collocations
Phuong Thao, Le Hong & John Macalister 2023 Engagement in oral production: The impact of a coursebook innovation
Keywords interaction | engagement | English language learning | young learners | Vietnam | coursebook adaptation
Skalicky, Stephen & Victoria Chen 2023 Leaving this unsaid: A case study of empty this in North American satirical newspaper headlines
In: Reference: From conventions to pragmatics, Gardelle, Laure, Laurence Vincent-Durroux & Hélène Vinckel-Roisin (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 228] pp. 213–231
Keywords satirical news | newspaper headlines | demonstrative | empty reference | inference
Jing, Yixuan, Jonathan Newton & Zhiyuan Jing 2023 A case study of curriculum aspirations and classroom realities for TBLT in a remote rural secondary school in Northwestern China
TASK 2:2pp. 248–268 | article
Keywords rural English education | Northwestern China | secondary school | task-based language teaching | English teacher education
Chen, Victoria, Jonathan Kuo, Maria Kristina S. Gallego & Isaac Stead 2022 Is Malayo-Polynesian a primary branch of Austronesian?: A view from morphosyntax
Diachronica 39:4pp. 449–489 | article
Keywords Austronesian higher-order subgrouping | Malayo-Polynesian | East Formosan | syntactic reanalysis | Austronesian diaspora | Out-of-Taiwan Hypothesis | triangulation
Liu, Min 2022 A ‘partial’ Orientalist: Lin Yutang’s Famous Chinese Short Stories and the soft power of Chinese tradition
Keywords Lin Yutang 林语堂 | rewriting | orientalism | soft power | tradition–modernity binary
Nguyen, Thi My Hang & Averil Coxhead 2022 Evaluating multiword unit word lists for academic purposes
Keywords English for Academic Purposes (EAP) | academic collocations | lexical constituents comparison | lexical coverage comparison | evaluation framework
Marra, Meredith, Bernadette Vine & Janet Holmes 2022 Workplace interaction
Handbook of Pragmatics 25pp. 177–198 | h
Gleeson, Margaret 2022 Pseudo-compliance or convergence?: Content teachers work together to learn about language
Keywords teaching emergent bilingual students | teacher professional learning online | pedagogical content knowledge | teacher collaboration | disciplinary linguistic knowledge
Bauer, Laurie 2022 Interlocking paradigms in English compounds
In: Paradigms in Word Formation: Theory and applications, Ruz, Alba E., Cristina Fernández-Alcaina & Cristina Lara-Clares (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 225] pp. 59–68
Keywords paradigm | compound | English | derivation
McKee, Rachel & Anna-Lena Nilsson 2023 Interpreters as agents of language planning
Translation and Interpreting Studies 17:3pp. 429–454 | article
Keywords sign language interpreting | ideology | language planning | accessibility | linguistic landscape
Marra, Meredith, Bernadette Vine & Janet Holmes 2022 Workplace interaction
In: Handbook of Pragmatics: 25th Annual Installment, Brisard, Frank, Sigurd D’hondt, Pedro Gras & Mieke Vandenbroucke (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics, 25] pp. 177–198
Wang, Ying, Hua Chen & T. Pascal Brown 2022 “We improved presenting voice in our writing”: The role of teacher feedback in revising personal statements
Keywords teacher feedback | personal statement | voice development | writing quality | EFL writing | retroalimentación docente | declaración personal | desarrollo de la voz | calidad de escritura | escritura de EFL
Pramastiwi, Priska 2021 
Language Teaching for Young Learners 3:2pp. 363–366 | book review
Soltani, Behnam & Lawrence Jun Zhang 2021 International students’ language socialization in an English-medium university: A socio-spatial lens
Keywords second language socialization | participation | identity | social space | higher education
Greenbank, Emily 2021 Employable identities: Social and cultural capital in the narratives of former refugees
Narrative Inquiry 34:1pp. 106–133 | article
Keywords former refugees | employable identities | social capital | cultural capital | migration
Weatherall, Ann 2021 Displaying emotional control by how crying and talking are managed
In: How Emotions Are Made in Talk, Robles, Jessica S. & Ann Weatherall (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 321] pp. 77–98
Keywords crying | telephone helplines | talk-in-interaction | conversation analysis | emotion displays | sequential deletion | sound objects
Weatherall, Ann & Jessica S. Robles 2021 How emotions are made to do things: An introduction
In: How Emotions Are Made in Talk, Robles, Jessica S. & Ann Weatherall (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 321] pp. 1–24
Bui, Trang Le Diem & Jonathan Newton 2021 PPP in action: Insights from primary EFL lessons in Vietnam
Keywords presentation-practice-production (PPP) | textbooks | speaking lessons | primary schools | task-based language teaching (TBLT) | Vietnam
Keevallik, Leelo & Ann Weatherall 2020  ‘I understand’-initiated formulations of the other: A semi-fixed claim to the intersubjective
In: Fixed Expressions: Building language structure and social action, Laury, Ritva & Tsuyoshi Ono (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 315] pp. 11–40
Keywords semi-fixed expressions | formulaic language | conversation analysis | intersubjectivity | complement taking predicates | misalignment | formulation | cognitive verb | Estonian
McKenzie, Rory 2020 A subtitling stalemate: The Dark Horse in Italian
Keywords  The Dark Horse | subtitling | New Zealand | Italy | culture | language | te reo Māori | New Zealand English | register
Wallace, Derek 2020 “A very good dialogue”?: The oral consideration stage in UN human rights monitoring
Language and Dialogue 10:2pp. 171–193 | article
Keywords communicational practice | dialogue | human rights monitoring | international governance | rhetorical analysis | United Nations
Bauer, Laurie 2020 Arbitrariness, motivation and idioms
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18:1pp. 162–179 | article
Keywords arbitrariness | motivation | homonymy | synonymy | idiom | biuniqueness | word-manufacture
Pellicer-Sánchez, Ana & Anna Siyanova-Chanturia 2020 Eye movements in vocabulary research
Keywords eye movements | vocabulary | formulaic language | lexical processing | vocabulary learning
Ballance, Oliver James & Averil Coxhead 2020 How much vocabulary is needed to use a concordance?
Keywords concordancing | vocabulary load | authentic texts | citations | graded readers
Nation, Paul 2020 Reading a whole book to learn vocabulary
Keywords word learning | unknown words | word learning strategy
Parkinson, Jean 2020 Stance and modals of obligation and necessity in academic writing
Register Studies 2:1pp. 102–130 | article
Keywords obligation modals | stance | science writing | student writing | corpora
Bui, Thuy, Frank Boers & Averil Coxhead 2019 Extracting multiword expressions from texts with the aid of online resources: A classroom experiment
Keywords Formulaic language | multiword expressions | vocabulary | EFL | reading
Daleszynska-Slater, Agata, Miriam Meyerhoff & James A. Walker 2019 Order in the creole speech community: Marking past temporal reference in Bequia (St Vincent and the Grenadines)
Language Ecology 3:1pp. 58–88 | article
Keywords comparative variation | polylectal grammar | creole continuum | past tense | Bequia
Skalicky, Stephen, Scott A. Crossley & Cynthia M. Berger 2020 Predictors of second language English lexical recognition: Further insights from a large database of second language lexical decision times
The Mental Lexicon 14:3pp. 333–356 | article
Keywords second language | crowdsource | lexical decision task | lexical recognition | linguistic features | lexical semantics
Feld, Jan & Alexander Maxwell 2019 Sampling error in lexicostatistical measurements: A Slavic case study
Diachronica 36:1pp. 100–120 | other
Newton, Jonathan & Bao Trang Thi Nguyen 2019 Task repetition and the public performance of speaking tasks in EFL classes at a Vietnamese high school
Keywords task repetition | public performance | transfer of knowledge | language-related episodes | Vietnam | young learners
Gleeson, Margaret & Chris Davison 2019 Teaching in linguistically and culturally diverse secondary schools: How far have we come?
Keywords English language learners | content and language integrated curricula | subject teachers | content teachers | teacher professional development
Lu, Cailing & Averil Coxhead 2019 Vocabulary in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Insights from corpora
Keywords loan words | lexical profile | vocabulary loads | English for Chinese medical purposes | technical vocabulary
Malthus, Miriam 2019 “Yes, he is, at least, entertaining”: Impoliteness as identity work on an activist Facebook page
Keywords impoliteness | face | Facebook | social media | identity | community water fluoridation
Pellicer-Sánchez, Ana & Anna Siyanova-Chanturia 2018 Eye movements in vocabulary research
Keywords eye movements | vocabulary | formulaic language | lexical processing | vocabulary learning.
Nation, Paul 2018 Reading a whole book to learn vocabulary
Keywords word learning | unknown words | word learning strategy
Seals, Corinne A. 2018 Analyzing the linguistic landscape of mass-scale events
Linguistic Landscape 3:3pp. 267–285 | article
Keywords protest | semiotic | experiential | multimodal | ethnographic | reflexivity
Ranford, Aiden 2018 Targeted translation: How game translations are used to meet market expectations
Keywords videogames | localisation | translation strategy | fan translation | Japanese-English translation
Wallace, Derek 2017 What the Convention requires: Intertextual conduct in nation states’ non-binding agreements with the UN
Journal of Language and Politics 16:6pp. 809–829 | article
Keywords authoritative discourse | conduct | counter-conduct | Convention on the Rights of the Child | genre | international governance | intertextuality | rhetoric | United Nations
Bauer, Laurie 2016 Re-evaluating exocentricity in word-formation
In: Morphological Metatheory, Siddiqi, Daniel & Heidi Harley (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 229] pp. 461–478
Pearce, Elizabeth 2016 Whither Realis marking: Loss and specialization in an Oceanic language
Diachronica 33:1pp. 67–94 | article
Keywords backgrounding | distal | Irrealis | Malakula | specialization | Unua-Pangkumu | Vanuatu | Oceanic | relative clause marking | Realis | zero morphology
Siu, Wai Yan Rebecca 2016 Location variation in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL)
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 2:1pp. 4–47 | article
Keywords sociolinguistic variation | phonological variation | language change | location variable | Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL)
Holmes, Janet 2014 Review of Intercultural Pragmatics by Istvan Kecskes (2014)
Language and Dialogue 4:3pp. 478–486 | book review
Holmes, Janet, Meredith Marra & Brian W. King 2013 How permeable is the formal-informal boundary at work?: An ethnographic account of the role of food in workplace discourse
In: Culinary Linguistics: The chef's special, Gerhardt, Cornelia, Maximiliane Frobenius & Susanne Ley (eds.) [Culture and Language Use: Studies in Anthropological Linguistics, 10] pp. 191–210
Holmes, Janet, Sharon Marsden & Meredith Marra 2013 Doing listenership: One aspect of sociopragmatic competence at work
Pragmatics and Society 4:1pp. 26–53 | article
Keywords workplace interaction | sociopragmatics | New Zealand | listenership | minimal responses | feedback | Chinese migrants
Macalister, John 2012 Language policies, language planning and linguistic landscapes in Timor-Leste
Keywords linguistic landscapes | English language | Bahasa Indonesia | Portuguese language | Tetun | language planning | language policy | Timor Leste | language practice
King, Brian W. 2012 Location, lore and language: An erotic triangle
Journal of Language and Sexuality 1:1pp. 106–125 | article
Keywords atmospheric analysis | discourse | computer-mediated | erotic | language | place | performative | space | sexuality
Schirato, Tony 2011 Deconstruction
In: Philosophical Perspectives for Pragmatics, Sbisà, Marina, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, 10] pp. 71–78
McKee, Rachel & Sophia Wallingford 2012 ‘So, well, whatever’: Discourse functions of palm-up in New Zealand Sign Language
Sign Language & Linguistics 14:2pp. 213–247 | article
Keywords connective | polysemy | conversation regulator | modality | mouthing | NZSL | palm-up | gesture
Bauer, Laurie, Salvador Valera & Ana Díaz-Negrillo 2010 Affixation vs. conversion.: The Resolution of conflicting patterns
In: Variation and Change in Morphology: Selected papers from the 13th International Morphology Meeting, Vienna, February 2008, Rainer, Franz, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Dieter Kastovsky, Hans Christian Luschützky & Elisabeth Peters (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 310] pp. 15–32
Dimock, Laura 2010 Fillers and placeholders in Nahavaq
In: Fillers, Pauses and Placeholders, Amiridze, Nino, Boyd Davis & Margaret Maclagan (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 93] pp. 119–138
Pearce, Elizabeth 2010 Possession syntax in Unua DPs
In: Austronesian and Theoretical Linguistics, Mercado, Raphael, Eric Potsdam & Lisa deMena Travis (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 167] pp. 141–162
Bauer, Laurie 2010 The typology of exocentric compounding
In: Cross-Disciplinary Issues in Compounding, Scalise, Sergio & Irene Vogel (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 311] pp. 167–176
Webb, Stuart 2010 A corpus driven study of the potential for vocabulary learning through watching movies
Keywords repetition | word frequency | vocabulary size | movies | incidental vocabulary learning
Bres, Julia de, Janet Holmes, Meredith Marra & Bernadette Vine 2010 Kia ora matua: Humour and the Maori language in the workplace
Kingsley, Leilarna 2009 Explicit and implicit dimensions of language policy in multilingual banks in Luxembourg: An analysis of top-down and bottom-up pressures on practices
Keywords practices | language policy | language in the workplace | multilingualism | Luxembourg | banking
Macalister, John 2006 The Maori presence in the New Zealand English lexicon, 1850–2000: Evidence from a corpus-based study
English World-Wide 27:1pp. 1–24 | article
Keywords Maori | New Zealand English | vocabulary change | corpus | loan words
Bauer, Laurie 2003 3. What you can do with derivational morphology
In: Morphology 2000: Selected papers from the 9th Morphology Meeting, Vienna, 24–28 February 2000, Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Oskar E. Pfeiffer & Maria D. Voeikova (eds.) [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 218] pp. 37–48
Kennedy, Graeme 2008 4. Variation in the distribution of modal verbs in the British National Corpus
In: Using Corpora to Explore Linguistic Variation, Reppen, Randi, Susan Fitzmaurice & Douglas Biber (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 9] pp. 73–90
McKee, Rachel & Jemina Napier 2003 Interpreting into International Sign Pidgin: An analysis
Sign Language & Linguistics 5:1pp. 27–54 | article
Anping, He & Graeme Kennedy 1999 Successful Turn-bidding in English Conversation
Bauer, Laurie 1997 Evaluative Morphology: In Search of Universals
Studies in Language 21:3pp. 533–575 | article
Sigley, Robert J. 1997 Text Categories and Where You Can Stick Them: A Crude Formality Index
Keywords Factor Analysis | Formality | Text Typology
Bauer, Laurie 1986 Notes on New Zealand English Phonetics and Phonology
English World-Wide 7:2pp. 225–258 | article
Bauer, Winifred 1982 Relativization in Maori
Studies in Language 6:3pp. 305–342 | article
Elgort, Irina Reading: Adopting interdisciplinary paradigms in ISLA reading research
In: Research methods in instructed second language acquisition, Gurzynski-Weiss, Laura & YouJin Kim (eds.) [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 3] pp. 281–304
Keywords instructed second language acquisition of reading | component processes in reading | eye-tracking | self-paced reading | interdisciplinary research methods