Bangor University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Bangor University plays a role.

Contested Languages: The hidden multilingualism of Europe

Edited by Marco Tamburelli & Mauro Tosco

[Studies in World Language Problems, 8] 2021. | edited volume
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language policy | Multilingualism | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Subjects Translation Studies

New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics

Edited by Vyvyan Evans & Stéphanie Pourcel

[Human Cognitive Processing: Cognitive Foundations of Language Structure and Use, 24] 2009. xi, 519 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Early Language Development: Bridging brain and behaviour

Edited by Angela D. Friederici & Guillaume Thierry

[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 5] 2008. xiv, 263 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics
Medina, Angela M., Nicole Müller & Martin J. Ball 2024 Stuttering in two languages: An SFL-based exploration of bilingual stuttering
Keywords Systemic Functional Linguistics | SFL | stuttering | bilingualism | qualitative
Lamb, David A. & Thora Tenbrink 2022 Evaluating Jesus and other “heroes”: An application of appraisal analysis to Hellenistic Greek texts in the “Lives” genre
Language, Context and Text 4:2pp. 227–258 | article
Keywords appraisal | evaluation | systemic functional linguistics | discourse analysis | inter-coder reliability | genre | biography | ancient written texts | Hellenistic Greek “Lives” | Gospel of John
Thomas, Enlli M. & Claire M. Dunne 2022 ITE provision in minority language contexts: The case of Wales and Ireland
Keywords Minority language | initial teacher education | immersion education | bilingual education | Welsh | Irish
Tamburelli, Marco & Mauro Tosco 2021 What are contested languages and why should linguists care?
In: Contested Languages: The hidden multilingualism of Europe, Tamburelli, Marco & Mauro Tosco (eds.) [Studies in World Language Problems, 8] p. 3
Coluzzi, Paolo, Lissander Brasca & Simona Scuri 2021 Revitalising contested languages: The case of Lombard
In: Contested Languages: The hidden multilingualism of Europe, Tamburelli, Marco & Mauro Tosco (eds.) [Studies in World Language Problems, 8] pp. 163–182
Gathercole, Virginia C. Mueller, Enlli Mon Thomas, Nestor Viñas Guasch, Ivan Kennedy, Cynog Prys, Nia Young, Emily J. Roberts, Emma K. Hughes & Leah Jones 2019 Teasing apart factors influencing executive function performance in bilinguals and monolinguals at different ages
In: Bilingualism, Executive Function, and Beyond: Questions and insights, Sekerina, Irina A., Lauren Spradlin & Virginia Valian (eds.) [Studies in Bilingualism, 57] pp. 295–336
Keywords executive function | bilingual advantage | Simon task
Baumgarten, Stefan 2017 Translation and hegemonic knowledge under advanced capitalism
Target 29:2pp. 244–263 | article
Keywords translation and philosophy | critical theory | capitalism | power asymmetries | ideology | domination | hegemony
Baumgarten, Stefan & Jordi Cornellà-Detrell 2017 Introduction
Target 29:2pp. 193–200 | introduction
Sanoudaki, Eirini 2017 The beginning of the word: Child language data
In: Sonic signatures, Lindsey, Geoff & Andrew Nevins (eds.) [Language Faculty and Beyond: Internal and External Variation in Linguistics, 14] pp. 189–200
Keywords consonant clusters | Greek | phonological acquisition | strict CV | non-word repetition | child language | phonological structure
Gathercole, Virginia C. Mueller, Enlli Môn Thomas, Nestor Viñas Guasch, Ivan Kennedy, Cynog Prys, Nia Young, Emily J. Roberts, Emma K. Hughes & Leah Jones 2016 Teasing apart factors influencing executive function performance in bilinguals and monolinguals at different ages
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 6:5pp. 605–647 | article
Keywords Executive function | bilingual advantage | Simon task
Beres, Anna M. 2015 An overview of translanguaging: 20 years of ‘giving voice to those who do not speak’
Keywords bilingual education | translanguaging | bilingualism
Jaworska, Sylvia, Cedric Krummes & Astrid Ensslin 2016 Formulaic sequences in native and non-native argumentative writing in German
Keywords n-grams | argumentative writing | German native speakers | formulaic language | advanced British learners of German
Shank, Christopher, Koen Plevoets & Hubert Cuyckens 2014 A diachronic corpus-based multivariate analysis of “I think that” vs. “I think zero”
Keywords complementation | logistic regression | mental state verb | near-synonymy | that/zero alternation
Chondrogianni, Vasiliki & Marco Tamburelli 2013  Grammar in parsing and acquisition
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3:3pp. 289–295 | article commentary
Ziegler, Nicole, Corinne A. Seals, Steffi Ammons, Julie Lake, Phillip Hamrick & Patrick Rebuschat 2013 14. Interaction in conversation groups: The development of L2 conversational styles
In: Second Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts, McDonough, Kim & Alison Mackey (eds.) [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 34] pp. 269–292
Baumgarten, Stefan 2012 Ideology and translation
Ensslin, Astrid 2011 “What an un-wiki way of doing things”: Wikipedia’s multilingual policy and metalinguistic practice
Journal of Language and Politics 10:4pp. 535–561 | article
Keywords multilingual policy | metalanguage | Web 2.0 | Anglo-centrism | Wikipedia
Webb-Davies, Peredur & Margaret Deuchar 2010 Using the Matrix Language Frame model to measure the extent of word-order convergence in Welsh-English bilingual speech
In: Continuity and Change in Grammar, Breitbarth, Anne, Christopher Lucas, Sheila Watts & David Willis (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 159] pp. 77–96
Bel, Aurora, Joan Perera & Naymé Salas 2010 Anaphoric devices in written and spoken narrative discourse: Data from Catalan
Written Language & Literacy 13:2pp. 236–259 | article
Keywords written modality | Catalan | anaphora resolution | discourse anaphora | pronouns | narrative text | spoken modality
Deuchar, Margaret & Rachel Muntz 2008 Factors accounting for code-mixing in an early developing bilingual
In: (In)vulnerable Domains in Multilingualism, Müller, Natascha (ed.) [Hamburg Studies on Multilingualism, 1] pp. 161–190