University of Montana


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Montana plays a role.


The Persistence of Language: Constructing and confronting the past and present in the voices of Jane H. Hill

Edited by Shannon T. Bischoff, Deborah Cole, Amy V. Fountain & Mizuki Miyashita

[Culture and Language Use: Studies in Anthropological Linguistics, 8] 2013. xxx, 440 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Anthropological Linguistics | Language policy | Languages of North America | Languages of South America | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Saneie Moghadam, Maryam & Reza Ghafar Samar 2023 Metaphorical framing in news: How liberals and conservatives talk
Pragmatics and Society 14:4pp. 638–655 | article
Keywords framing | metaphor | source domain | political discourse | immigration | healthcare system
Torres Cacoullos, Rena, Nathalie Dion, Dora LaCasse & Shana Poplack 2021 How to mix: Confronting “mixed” NP models and bilinguals’ choices
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 12:5pp. 628–656 | article
Keywords mixed NP | classes of nominal mixes | lone other-language nouns | multi-word code-switching | bilingual community norms
Ghafar Samar, Reza & Tej Bhatia 2018 The future of ‘future’: A Persian perspective on grammaticalization of future marking
Asia-Pacific Language Variation 3:2pp. 130–159 | article
Keywords grammaticalization | future marking | Persian | universal path | variationist analysis | دستوری شدگی | زمان اینده | فارسی | مسیر جهان شمول | وارش شناسی
Miyashita, Mizuki, Mark Irwin, Ian Wilson & Timothy J. Vance 2016 Rendaku in Tōhoku Japanese: The Kahoku-chō Survey
In: Sequential Voicing in Japanese: Papers from the NINJAL Rendaku Project, Vance, Timothy J. & Mark Irwin (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 176] pp. 173–194