University of Washington


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Washington plays a role.

Subjects Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics

Time and Again: Theoretical perspectives on formal linguistics. In honor of D. Terence Langendoen

Edited by William D. Lewis, Simin Karimi, Heidi Harley & Scott O. Farrar

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 135] 2008. xiv, 265 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Psycholinguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Cognition and language | Evolution of language

Athabaskan Prosody

Edited by Sharon Hargus & Keren Rice

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 269] 2005. xii, 432 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Languages of North America | Phonetics | Phonology

Features and Interfaces in Romance: Essays in honor of Heles Contreras

Edited by Julia Herschensohn, Enrique Mallén & Karen Zagona

[Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 222] 2001. xiv, 302 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Classical linguistics | Historical linguistics | Morphology | Romance linguistics | Syntax
Subjects Generative linguistics | Language acquisition
Subjects Generative linguistics | Romance linguistics | Syntax
Subjects Romance linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Discourse studies | Forensic & legal linguistics | Pragmatics
Ionin, Tania, Amy Atiles, Sea Hee Choi, Chae Eun Lee & Mien-Jen Wu 2024 Revisiting plurality in SLA: Evidence from comprehension and production
Keywords plural marking | noun phrases | Mandarin Chinese | English
Lewis, William D. & Jan Niehues 2023 Automatic speech translation in the classroom and lecture setting: Challenges, approaches, and future directions
Keywords machine translation | speech translation | speech recognition | multilingual meetings | education | multilingual teaching | speech to speech translation | English language learners | English as a second language
Chirkova, Katia & Zev Handel 2022 Diachronic developments in fricative + nasal sequences: A Tibeto-Burman case study
Journal of Historical Linguistics 12:3pp. 476–503 | article
Keywords fricative-nasal sequences | nasal devoicing | voiceless nasal | epenthetic stop | Tibeto-Burman | Qiangic
Semouchkina, Vassilissa, Yeechi Chen, Kevin Larson & Karen Cheng 2022 “This figure could be better, but how?”: Advancing design critique in STEM research labs
Keywords scientific visualization | design critique | communicating science | visual communication in science | graphic design for scientists
Song, Zixuan & Stefana Vukadinovich 2021 Collaborative construction of turn constructional units in responsive positions of question-answer sequences in Mandarin conversation
Keywords Conversation Analysis | Interactional Linguistics | Multimodal Analysis | Mandarin conversation | collaboratively constructed turn constructional units | question-answer sequences | 会话分析 | 互动语言学 | 多模式分析 | 汉语会话 | 话轮构建单位的合作构建 | 问答序列
Crowley, John Patrick, Amanda Denes, Ambyre Ponivas, Shana Makos & Joseph Whitt 2021 Forgiveness through Writing: Exploring the effects of narrative completeness, emotional expression, and physiology on forgiveness
Narrative Inquiry 34:1pp. 161–190 | article
Keywords forgiveness | relational transgressions | expressive writing | narrative completeness | testosterone
Fernández-Dobao, Ana 2020 Exploring interaction between heritage and second language learners in the Spanish language classroom: Opportunities for collaborative dialogue and learning
Keywords collaborative dialogue | collaborative writing | heritage language learners | language-related episodes | mixed classes
Moore, Colette 2020 Paratext, information studies, and Middle English manuscripts
Keywords paratext | peritext | information structure | information design | information science | ordinatio | layout | Brut | Chronicle
Chandekar, Amruta 2020 Grammatical uniformity of tense and aspect: Encoding narrator’s perspective and vantage point through Tense Shift
Narrative Inquiry 30:2pp. 381–403 | article
Keywords narrative discourse | linguistic approach | tense and aspect shift | syntax | semantics | pragmatics
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 2020  The Historiography of Generative Linguistics. By András Kertész
Historiographia Linguistica 46:3pp. 182–191 | book review
Sandhu, Priti 2019 Constructing desirable brides: Membership categorization, medium of education, and arranged marriages
Pragmatics and Society 10:3pp. 399–422 | article
Keywords MCA | CA | storytelling | medium-of-education | arranged marriages | culture-in-action | brides
Herschensohn, Julia & Randall Gess 2019 Transfer cost and the developmental path to target object clitic prosody
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 9:6pp. 849–853 | article commentary
Zirnstein, Megan, Kinsey Bice & Judith F. Kroll 2019 Variation in language experience shapes the consequences of bilingualism
In: Bilingualism, Executive Function, and Beyond: Questions and insights, Sekerina, Irina A., Lauren Spradlin & Virginia Valian (eds.) [Studies in Bilingualism, 57] pp. 35–47
Keywords bilingualism | neuroscience | individual variation | language regulation | cognitive control
Fernández-Dobao, Ana & Julia Herschensohn 2019 Present tense verb morphology of Spanish HL and L2 children in dual immersion: Feature Reassembly revisited
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 10:6pp. 775–804 | article
Keywords Feature Reassembly | verb morphology | Spanish | heritage language
Harper, Richard H., Rod Watson & Jill Palzkill Woelfer 2019 The Skype paradox: Homelessness and selective intimacy in the use of communications technology
In: Skyping the Family: Interpersonal video communication and domestic life, Harper, Richard, Rod Watson & Christian Licoppe (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 103] pp. 147–174
Khong, Hou Keat, Swi Ee Cheah, Nurul Na’imy Wan & Susana Martínez Vellón 2018 Does the adapted version of The Amazing Race (AVOTAR) benefit Spanish language learning among technical students?: An empirical study
Keywords foreign language learning | reality TV | The Amazing Race | teaching innovation | Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) | aprendizaje de lengua extranjera | telerrealidad | El Gran Reto | innovación pedagógica | Formación Profesional (FP)
Cheng, Karen, Yeechi Chen, Kevin Larson & Marco Rolandi 2017 Proving the value of visual design in scientific communication
Information Design Journal 23:1pp. 80–95 | article
Keywords data visualization | scientific communication | fluency | scientific figuresvisual design for scientists | table-of-contents graphic | visual communication design | scientific visualization | graphical abstract | information graphics
Zagona, Karen & Heles Contreras 2017 Spanish participial adjectives and individual-level/stage-level interpretations in nominals
In: Boundaries, phases, and interfaces: Case studies in honor of Violeta Demonte, Fernández-Soriano, Olga, Elena Castroviejo & Isabel Párez-Jimánez (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 239] pp. 277–304
Keywords predicative adjective | individual-level adjective | stage-level adjective | Aspect Phrase | copular sentence
Harper, Richard H., Rod Watson & Jill Palzkill Woelfer 2017 The Skype paradox: Homelessness and selective intimacy in the use of communications technology
Pragmatics 27:3pp. 447–474 | article
Keywords sociology | ethnomethodology | philosophy of action | homelessness | family | communication media | Skype | membership categorization | participation frameworks | reasons
Rundle, Christopher & Vicente Rafael 2016 History and translation: The event of language
In: Border Crossings: Translation Studies and other disciplines, Gambier, Yves & Luc van Doorslaer (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 126] pp. 23–48
Keywords interdisciplinarity | power | the politics of language | translation as historical object
Sandhu, Priti 2016 Negative self-categorization, stance, affect, and affiliation in autobiographical storytelling
In: Emotion in Multilingual Interaction, Prior, Matthew T. & Gabriele Kasper (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 266] pp. 153–176
Keywords autobiographical storytelling | Hindi | membership categorization analysis | negative self-categorization | qualitative research interviews | troubles-tellings
Arteaga, Deborah & Julia Herschensohn 2016 Old French possessives and ellipsis
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 2015 American Linguists Look at Swiss Linguistics, 1925–1940
Historiographia Linguistica 42:1pp. 107–118 | article
Herschensohn, Julia 2013  Can pattern recognition explain grammatical learning?
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3:3pp. 316–320 | article commentary
Wennerstrom, Ann 2013 Rich pitch: The humorous effects of deaccent and L+H* pitch accent
In: Prosody and Humor, Attardo, Salvatore, Manuela Maria Wagner & Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 55] pp. 121–142
Churng, Sarah 2013 Syntax and prosodic consequences in ASL: Evidence from multiple WH-questions
In: Nonmanuals in Sign Language, Herrmann, Annika & Markus Steinbach (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 53] p. 7
Aldridge, Edith 2013 Wh-clefts and verb-initial word order in Austronesian languages
In: Cleft Structures, Hartmann, Katharina & Tonjes Veenstra (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 208] pp. 71–96
Joseph, John E. & Frederick J. Newmeyer 2012 ‘All Languages Are Equally Complex’: The rise and fall of a consensus
Historiographia Linguistica 39:2/3pp. 341–368 | article
Kahn, Peter H., Aimee L. Reichert, Brian T. Gill, Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro & Jolina H. Ruckert 2011 Validating characterizations of sociality in HRI: It’s more than psychometrics
In: New Frontiers in Human–Robot Interaction, Dautenhahn, Kerstin & Joe Saunders (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 2] pp. 57–72
Wennerstrom, Ann 2011 Rich pitch: The humorous effects of deaccent and L+H* pitch accent
Pragmatics & Cognition 19:2pp. 310–332 | article
Keywords ad hoc categories | cognition | contrast | given/new | humor | information structure | intonation | language processing | mental representation | pragmatics | pitch accent | prosody | salience | theme/rheme
Churng, Sarah 2011 Syntax and prosodic consequences in ASL: Evidence from multiple WH-questions
Keywords American Sign Language (ASL) | multiple wh-questions | syntax–prosody interface | wh-nonmanual markings | multi-dominance
Aldridge, Edith 2010 Clitic climbing in archaic Chinese: Evidence for the movement analysis of control
In: Movement Theory of Control, Hornstein, Norbert & Maria Polinsky (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 154] pp. 149–182
Aldridge, Edith 2010 Directionality in word-order change in Austronesian languages
In: Continuity and Change in Grammar, Breitbarth, Anne, Christopher Lucas, Sheila Watts & David Willis (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 159] pp. 169–180
Fitch, Kristine L. & Gerry Philipsen 2009 Ethnography of speaking
In: Culture and Language Use, Senft, Gunter, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.) [Handbook of Pragmatics Highlights, 2] pp. 121–130
Bartneck, Christoph, Juliane Reichenbach & Julie Carpenter 2008 The carrot and the stick: The role of praise and punishment in human–robot interaction
Interaction Studies 9:2pp. 179–203 | article
Keywords presence | human | interaction | robot | punishment | praise
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 2008 Typological evidence and Universal Grammar
In: What Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina & Anette Rosenbach (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 7] pp. 51–73
Kahn, Peter H., Hiroshi Ishiguro, Batya Friedman, Takayuki Kanda, Nathan G. Freier, Rachel L. Severson & Jessica Miller 2007 What is a Human?: Toward psychological benchmarks in the field of human–robot interaction
Interaction Studies 8:3pp. 363–390 | article
Keywords morality | psychological benchmarks | privacy | reciprocity | robot ethics | authenticity of relation | autonomy | human–robot interaction | creativity | imitation
Citko, Barbara 2007 Determiner Sharing from a Crosslinguistic Perspective
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 6:1pp. 73–96 | article
Keywords multi-dominance | determiner sharing | small conjuncts | gapping | large conjuncts
Kahn, Peter H., Batya Friedman, Deanne R. Pérez-Granados & Nathan G. Freier 2006 Robotic pets in the lives of preschool children
Interaction Studies 7:3pp. 405–436 | article
Keywords children | human–computer interaction | human–robot interaction | moral development | social development | Value Sensitive Design | AIBO
Moore, Colette 2006 The use of videlicet in Early Modern slander depositions: A case of genre-specific grammaticalization
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 7:2pp. 245–263 | article
Keywords discourse marker | slander depositions | Early Modern English | grammaticalization | legal language
Mcburney, Susan Lloyd 2006 Referential morphology in signed languages
Sign Language & Linguistics 8:1/2pp. 213–217 | article
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 2005 Against a parameter-setting approach to typological variation
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 4:1pp. 181–234 | article
Keywords parameter | processing | rule | typology | Universal Grammar
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 2004 Typological evidence and Universal Grammar
Studies in Language 28:3pp. 527–548 | article
Van Auken, Newell Ann 2003 Review of Chinese by Oliver Moore (2000)
Written Language & Literacy 6:2pp. 246–250 | book review
Klausenburger, Jurgen 2003 Grammaticalization within a theory of morphocentricity
In: New Reflections on Grammaticalization, Wischer, Ilse & Gabriele Diewald (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 49] pp. 31–43
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 2002  200 Years of Syntax: A critical survey. By Giorgio Graffi
Historiographia Linguistica 28:3pp. 435–442 | book review
Barrack, Charles M. 1998 Boutkan, Dirk. The Germanic 'Auslautgesetze'
Studies in Language 22:1pp. 265–266 | brief report
Herschensohn, Julia 1992 Case Marking and French Psych-Verbs
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 16:1pp. 21–40 | article
Pool, Jonathan 1987 Guest Editorial
Newmeyer, Frederick J. 1982 Reply to Murray’s Review
Historiographia Linguistica 9:1/2pp. 185–186 | other
Klausenburger, Jurgen 1981 Liaison in Canadian French Revisited
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 5:2pp. 405–409 | discussion
Hanzeli, Victor E. 1980  Gyarmathi Sámuel. By János Gulya
Historiographia Linguistica 7:3pp. 385–391 | book review
Hurvitz, Leon 1963 The Problem of Translating Buddhist Canonical Texts into Chinese
Babel 9:1/2pp. 48–52 | article