Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg plays a role.


Porsch, Raphaela, Stefan Schipolowski, Camilla Rjosk & Karoline A. Sachse 2023 Effects of an early start in learning English as a foreign language on reading and listening comprehension in Year 9
Language Teaching for Young Learners 5:2pp. 122–148 | article
Keywords English as a foreign language | primary school | age of onset | proficiency | receptive language skills
Wilden, Eva, Raphaela Porsch & Michael Schurig 2020 An early start in primary EFL education and the role of teacher qualification and teaching quality
Keywords foreign language education | English as a foreign language | primary school | teaching quality | teacher qualification | age of onset
Wilden, Eva & Raphaela Porsch 2020 A critical analysis of the German public debate about an early start in primary foreign language education
Language Teaching for Young Learners 2:2pp. 192–212 | article
Keywords foreign languages | English as a foreign language | primary school | age of onset | language policy
Leuckert, Sven & Martin Leuckert 2020 Towards a digital sociolinguistics: Communities of Practice on Reddit
In: Corpus approaches to social media, Rüdiger, Sofia & Daria Dayter (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 98] pp. 15–40
Keywords Community of Practice | corpus linguistics | Reddit | social media | sociolinguistics
Wilden, Eva & Raphaela Porsch 2020 The impact of teaching quality and learning time on primary EFL learners’ receptive proficiency: Preliminary findings from the TEPS study
AILA Review 32:1pp. 160–177 | article
Keywords foreign language education | English as a foreign language | primary school | teaching quality | age of onset
Pfeifer, Hanna & Alexander Spencer 2018 Once upon a time: Western genres and narrative constructions of a romantic jihad
Journal of Language and Politics 18:1pp. 21–39 | article
Keywords narratives | ISIS | romanticism | discourse | jihad | videos | propaganda | foreign fighters
Bernez, Célia 2017 A new model for the conceptualization of color
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 39:1pp. 116–142 | article
Keywords syntax | semantic | color terms | property terms | gradation