Southwest Jiaotong University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Southwest Jiaotong University plays a role.


Jach, Daniel 2023 What foreign language learners make of grammatical descriptions depends on description type, proficiency, and context
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 22:1pp. 36–69 | article
Keywords foreign language learning | instructed learning | usage-based learning | grammar | two-way prepositions | case | L2 German | L1 Chinese
Shan Zhong 2022 
Babel 68:3pp. 467–470 | book review
Huang, Yang 2023 Classifiers in nDrapa: A Tibeto-Burman language in Western Sichuan
Asian Languages and Linguistics 3:2pp. 202–238 | article
Keywords nDrapa language | classifiers | categorization devices | morphosyntactic properties | pragmatic use | historical development
Chen, Lin 2021 
Target 34:3pp. 537–542 | book review
Tsung, Linda, Zhang Xia & Zhang Lubei 2020 Language resources of Yunnan in “the Belt and Road” project
Keywords Belt and Road Initiative | minority languages | cross-border languages | intercommunication | “一带一路” 构思 | 少数民族语言 | 跨境语言 | 互通
Tsung, Linda & Lubei Zhang 2019 The classification of Chinese time expressions from Systemic Functional Linguistics Perspectives
Keywords time expressions | Chinese circumstantial elements | classifications