Linnaeus University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Linnaeus University plays a role.


Exploring Language and Society with Big Data: Parliamentary discourse across time and space

Edited by Minna Korhonen, Haidee Kotze & Jukka Tyrkkö

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 111] 2023. | edited volume
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Iconic Investigations

Edited by Lars Elleström, Olga Fischer & Christina Ljungberg

[Iconicity in Language and Literature, 12] 2013. x, 357 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Semiotics | Theoretical linguisticsTheoretical literature & literary studies
Håkansson, Gisela 2024 Speech modifications and the Processability Theory hierarchy: Some observations on word order in Swedish L1 and L2 input
Keywords V2 | subject-verb inversion | Swedish | L1 acquisition | L2 acquisition | input | Processability Theory
Tyrkkö, Jukka, Sophie Raineri, Jenni Räikkönen, Alžběta Budirská, Mai Nabawy & Amanda Silfver 2024 Speaking for the downtrodden: The pragmatics of pronominal references in 200 years of activist speeches
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 25:2pp. 274–301 | article
Keywords activist speeches | political speaking | burstiness | pronominal reference | audience design
Ihrmark, Daniel Ocic 2024 Corpus genre categories: Issues at the intersection of linguistics and literature
In: Challenges in corpus linguistics: Rethinking corpus compilation and analysis, Kaunisto, Mark & Marco Schilk (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 118] pp. 127–142
Keywords genre | corpus linguistics | stylistics | literature | special corpora
Ström Herold, Jenny & Magnus Levin 2024 Comparing crosslinguistic complexity
Languages in Contrast 24:1pp. 1–4 | introduction
Levin, Magnus & Jenny Ström Herold 2024 English complex premodifiers and their German and Swedish correspondences: The case of hyphenated premodifiers in a non‑fiction corpus
Languages in Contrast 24:1p. 5 | article
Keywords hyphenated premodifiers | postmodification | noun phrases | the Linnaeus University English-German-Swedish corpus | English/German/Swedish
Nevala, Minna & Jukka Tyrkkö 2023 From criminal lunacy to mental disorder: The changing lexis of mental health in the British parliament
In: Exploring Language and Society with Big Data: Parliamentary discourse across time and space, Korhonen, Minna, Haidee Kotze & Jukka Tyrkkö (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 111] pp. 194–226
Keywords mental health | mentally ill people | mental health legislation | lexis | parliamentary discourse | big data
Son, Vi Thanh & Gisela Håkansson 2022 What is in the learner’s mind when trying to verbalize grammatical rules?: English third-person singular -s in two settings, Sweden and Vietnam
Pedagogical Linguistics 5:1pp. 56–75 | article
Keywords declarative knowledge | English third-person singular present tense-s | grammatical rules | L2 English
Gustafsson, Kristina 2021 Child language brokering in Swedish welfare institutions: A matter of structural complicity?
In: Translating Asymmetry - Rewriting Power, Carbonell i Cortés, Ovidi & Esther Monzó-Nebot (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 157] pp. 125–144
Keywords child language brokering | health and medical care | interpreting | public service | public service professionals | social services | social work | structural complicity | structural discrimination | Swedish welfare institutions
Heinat, Fredrik 2021 The Swedish perfect and periphrasis
In: The Perfect Volume: Papers on the perfect, Eide, Kristin Melum & Marc Fryd (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 217] pp. 343–364
Keywords finiteness | LFG | morphology | paradigm | lexical features
Håkansson, Gisela & Birgitta Waters 2021 A case study of a quadrilingual child: The influence of exposure and cognates when developing multiple languages
In: Language Impairment in Multilingual Settings: LITMUS in action across Europe, Armon-Lotem, Sharon & Kleanthes K. Grohmann (eds.) [Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 29] pp. 77–98
Keywords simultaneous multilingualism | quadrilingual | Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks | vocabulary | exposure | cognates | distributed vocabulary
Blomberg, Frida, Mikael Roll, Johan Frid, Magnus Lindgren & Merle Horne 2020 The role of affective meaning, semantic associates, and orthographic neighbours in modulating the N400 in single words
The Mental Lexicon 15:2pp. 161–188 | article
Keywords concreteness | emotional arousal | semantic specificity | semantic associates | orthographic neighbours: ERP | N400 | lexical decision, word vector
Tyrkkö, Jukka & Jenni Räikkönen 2020 On the dynamic interaction between peritext and epitext: Punch magazine as a case study
Keywords paratext | peritext | epitext | interaction | Punch magazine
Tyrkkö, Jukka 2019 Kinship references in the British Parliament, 1800–2005
In: Reference and Identity in Public Discourses, Lutzky, Ursula & Minna Nevala (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 306] p. 97
Keywords kinship | representation | reference | parliamentary debate | corpus | pattern | political discourse
Kopaczyk, Joanna & Jukka Tyrkkö 2018 Blogging around the world: Universal and localised patterns in Online Englishes
In: Applications of Pattern-driven Methods in Corpus Linguistics, Kopaczyk, Joanna & Jukka Tyrkkö (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 82] pp. 277–310
Keywords World Englishes | blogs | GloWbE | hierarchical clustering | Gephi plot
Engström, Robin 2018 The body politic of independent Scotland: National personification and metaphor as ideological visions
Metaphor and the Social World 8:2pp. 184–206 | article
Keywords metaphor | metonymy | multimodality | National Collective | nationalism | Yes Scotland
Laitinen, Mikko & Magnus Levin 2016 On the globalization of English: Observations of subjective progressives in present-day Englishes
Keywords American English | English in the Expanding Circle | globalization of English | subjective progressive
Levin, Magnus & Hans Lindquist 2015 Like I said again and again and over and over: On the ADV1 and ADV1 construction with adverbs of direction in English
In: Current Issues in Phraseology, Hoffmann, Sebastian, Bettina Fischer-Starcke & Andrea Sand (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 74] p. 7
Keywords lexicalization | metaphorization | phraseology | simplification | subjectification
Levin, Magnus & Hans Lindquist 2013  Like I said again and again and over and over : On the ADV1 and ADV1 construction with adverbs of direction in English
Keywords phraseology | subjectification | lexicalization | metaphorization | simplification
Elleström, Lars 2013 Introduction: Instrumental and formal iconic signs
In: Iconic Investigations, Elleström, Lars, Olga Fischer & Christina Ljungberg (eds.) [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 12] pp. 1–10
Elleström, Lars 2013 Spatiotemporal aspects of iconicity
In: Iconic Investigations, Elleström, Lars, Olga Fischer & Christina Ljungberg (eds.) [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 12] p. 95
Gustafsson, Kristina, Eva Norström & Ingrid Fioretos 2013 The interpreter – a cultural broker?
In: Interpreting in a Changing Landscape: Selected papers from Critical Link 6, Schäffner, Christina, Krzysztof Kredens & Yvonne Fowler (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 109] pp. 187–202
Elleström, Lars 2010 Iconicity as meaning miming meaning and meaning miming form
In: Signergy, Conradie, C. Jac, Ronél Johl, Marthinus Beukes, Olga Fischer & Christina Ljungberg (eds.) [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 9] p. 73