California State University, Monterey Bay


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with California State University, Monterey Bay plays a role.


Pozzi, Rebecca, Chelsea Escalante & Tracy Quan 2023 “Being myself in Spanish”: A heritage speaker’s evolving pragmatic choices and awareness during study abroad
Keywords study abroad | heritage speakers | pragmatics | identity | investment
Pozzi, Rebecca 2022 Acquiring sociolinguistic competence during study abroad: U.S. students in Buenos Aires
In: Variation in Second and Heritage Languages: Crosslinguistic perspectives, Bayley, Robert, Dennis R. Preston & Xiaoshi Li (eds.) [Studies in Language Variation, 28] pp. 199–222
Keywords second language development | sociolinguistic variation | phonological features | morphosyntactic features
Pozzi, Rebecca & Lina Reznicek-Parrado 2021 Problematizing heritage language identities: Heritage speakers of Mexican descent studying abroad in Argentina
Keywords heritage speakers | Spanish as a heritage language | identity
Zapata, Gabriela C. 2015 The role of metaphors in novice and experienced L2 instructors’ classroom practice
Keywords educational research | elicited metaphor | L2 teachers’ cognition | L2 teachers’ practice | L2 teaching and learning | metaphor | metaphorical conceptualizations