University of Zadar


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Zadar plays a role.


Kapović, Marko 2021 ¿Usté en Ciudá Real dice Madriz?: Estudio sociolingüístico de la –d final de palabra en el habla de Ciudad Real [¿Usté en Ciudá Real dice Madriz?]
Spanish in Context 19:1pp. 146–174 | article
Keywords –d final de palabra | español castellano | difusión léxica | word-final –d | Castillian Spanish | lexical diffusion
Lončar, Ivana & Anita Pavić Pintarić 2021 Developing a multilingual dictionary of touristic-cultural terms (with Croatian as the source language)
Babel 67:3pp. 288–306 | article
Keywords multilingual dictionary | touristic-cultural terms | Croatian lexicography | dictionary-making process | lexicographic definitions | dictionnaire multilingue | termes liés au tourisme culturel | lexicographie du croate | élaboration d’un dictionnaire | définitions lexicographiques
Espunya, Anna & Anita Pavić Pintarić 2018 Language style in the negotiation of class identity in translated contemporary Spanish fiction: Vázquez Montalbán’s Los mares del sur in English and Croatian
Babel 64:3pp. 348–369 | article
Keywords language style and identity | Spanish detective novel | Appraisal Theory | Spanish into English translation | Spanish into Croatian translation | Manuel Vázquez Montalbán | style linguistique et identité | roman policier espagnol | théorie de l’évaluation | traduction de l’espagnol en anglais | traduction de l’espagnol en croate | Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Mikšić, Vanda 2017 La parole poétique de Jean de Breyne dans la traduction croate
Babel 63:3pp. 379–400 | article
Keywords traduction | poésie | de Breyne | français | croate | translation | poetry | de Breyne | French | Croatian