Nicolaus Copernicus University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Nicolaus Copernicus University plays a role.


Perspectives on Pantomime

Edited by Przemysław Żywiczyński, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska

[Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] 2024. | edited volume
Subjects Evolution of language
Wacewicz, Sławomir & Przemysław Żywiczyński 2024 Two types of bodily-mimetic communication: Distinct design specifications and evolutionary trajectories
In: Perspectives on Pantomime, Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] pp. 100–114
Keywords pantomime | bodily mimesis | platform of trust | rituals | honest signaling | signalling theory | alignment of interests
Zlatev, Jordan, Marta Sibierska, Przemysław Żywiczyński, Joost van de Weijer & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska 2024 Can pantomime narrate?: A cognitive semiotic approach
In: Perspectives on Pantomime, Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] pp. 115–138
Keywords cognitive semiotics | bodily mimesis | narration | story | event sequence primary/secondary narrativity | simple/complex narratives
Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska 2024 Perspectives on pantomime: Evolution, development, interaction
In: Perspectives on Pantomime, Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] pp. 1–15
Hartmann, Stefan, Sławomir Wacewicz, Andrea Ravignani, Daria Valente, Evelina Daniela Rodrigues, Rie Asano & Yannick Jadoul 2024 Delineating the field of language evolution research: A quantitative analysis of peer-review patterns at the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE 2022)
Interaction Studies 25:1pp. 100–117 | article
Keywords conference on language evolution | language | language evolution | research topics | controversies
Karp, Karol 2023 La letteratura italo-romena contemporanea. Sulla migrazione che genera trasgressione: La frivolezza del cristallo liquido di Irina Turcanu e Dodici più un angelo di Ingrid Beatrice Coman
Revue Romane 59:1pp. 40–54 | article
Keywords transgression | Italian-language Romanian literature | communist Romania | migration
Sibierska, Marta, Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska, Przemysław Żywiczyński & Sławomir Wacewicz 2023 What’s in a mime?: An exploratory analysis of predictors of communicative success of pantomime
Interaction Studies 23:2pp. 289–321 | article
Keywords pantomime | bodily mimesis | non-verbal communication | communicative success
Zlatev, Jordan, Göran Jacobsson & Liina Paju 2021 Desiderata for metaphor theory, the Motivation & Sedimentation Model and motion-emotion metaphoremes
In: Figurative Language - Intersubjectivity and Usage, Soares da Silva, Augusto (ed.) [Figurative Thought and Language, 11] pp. 41–74
Keywords metaphoricity | semiotic systems | motion | emotion | cognitive semiotics
Sowińska, Agnieszka & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska 2021 Gestures in patients’ presentation of medically unexplained symptoms (MUS)
Gesture 19:1p. 97 | article
Keywords speech-accompanying gestures | metaphorics | iconics | deictics | beats | medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) | symptom presentation
Devylder, Simon & Jordan Zlatev 2020 Cutting and breaking metaphors of the self and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model
Keywords cognitive semiotics | Conceptual Metaphor Theory | metaphoricity | iconicity | irreversible separation
Wacewicz, Sławomir & Przemysław Żywiczyński 2020 Language origins: Fitness consequences, platform of trust, cooperation, and turn-taking
In: How the Brain got Language: Towards a new road map, Arbib, Michael A. (ed.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 112] pp. 167–182
Keywords Mirror System Hypothesis | language evolution | language origins | cooperation | turn-taking | conversation | trust | proximate explanations | ultimate explanations
Arbib, Michael A., Francisco Aboitiz, Judith M. Burkart, Michael Corballis, Gino Coudé, Erin Hecht, Katja Liebal, Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, James Pustejovsky, Shelby Putt, Federico Rossano, Anne E. Russon, P. Thomas Schoenemann, Uwe Seifert, Katerina Semendeferi, Chris Sinha, Dietrich Stout, Virginia Volterra, Sławomir Wacewicz & Benjamin Wilson 2020 The comparative neuroprimatology 2018 (CNP-2018) road map for research on How the Brain Got Language
In: How the Brain got Language: Towards a new road map, Arbib, Michael A. (ed.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 112] pp. 370–387
Keywords brain evolution | cultural evolution | EvoDevoSocio | language-ready brain | language evolution | neurolinguistics | neuroprimatology | primate communication | protolanguage | social interaction
Pleyer, Michael & Stefan Hartmann 2021 Construction grammar for monkeys?: Animal communication and its implications for language evolution in the light of usage-based linguistic theory
Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 2:2pp. 153–194 | article
Keywords construction grammar | language evolution | animal communication | usage-based linguistics
Wacewicz, Sławomir & Przemysław Żywiczyński 2018 Language origins: Fitness consequences, platform of trust, cooperation, and turn-taking
Interaction Studies 19:1/2pp. 167–182 | article
Keywords Mirror System Hypothesis | language evolution | language origins | cooperation | turn-taking | conversation | trust | proximate explanations | ultimate explanations
Arbib, Michael A., Francisco Aboitiz, Judith M. Burkart, Michael Corballis, Gino Coudé, Erin Hecht, Katja Liebal, Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi, James Pustejovsky, Shelby Putt, Federico Rossano, Anne E. Russon, P. Thomas Schoenemann, Uwe Seifert, Katerina Semendeferi, Chris Sinha, Dietrich Stout, Virginia Volterra, Sławomir Wacewicz & Benjamin Wilson 2018 The comparative neuroprimatology 2018 (CNP-2018) road map for research on How the Brain Got Language
Interaction Studies 19:1/2pp. 370–387 | article
Keywords brain evolution | cultural evolution | EvoDevoSocio | language-ready brain | language evolution | neurolinguistics | neuroprimatology | primate communication | protolanguage | social interaction
Strugielska, Ariadna & Katarzyna Piątkowska 2017 A plea for a socio-cognitive perspective on the language-culture-cognition nexus in educational approaches to intercultural communicative competence
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 15:1pp. 224–252 | article
Keywords ICC | socio-cognitive approach | language-culture-cognition nexus | cognitive linguistics
Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Sławomir Wacewicz & Sylwester Orzechowski 2017 Adaptors and the turn-taking mechanism: The distribution of adaptors relative to turn borders in dyadic conversation
Interaction Studies 18:2pp. 276–298 | article
Keywords turn-taking | adaptors | self touches | object manipulators | displacement activities | language evolution | interaction engine | conversation
Zlatev, Jordan, Sławomir Wacewicz, Przemyslaw Zywiczynski & Joost van de Weijer 2017 Multimodal-first or pantomime-first?: Communicating events through pantomime with and without vocalization
Interaction Studies 18:3pp. 465–488 | article
Keywords bodily mimesis | pantomime | multimodal origins | multimodality | language origins | language evolution | gesture
Wacewicz, Sławomir, Przemysław Żywiczyński & Sylwester Orzechowski 2016 Visible movements of the orofacial area: Evidence for gestural or multimodal theories of language evolution?
Gesture 15:2pp. 250–282 | article
Keywords multimodality | speech-first | gesture-first | hand-to-mouth links | visual-vocal redundancy | orofacial gestures | Gestural Primacy Hypothesis | evolution of language | mouth gestures | tongue gestures | orofacial movements