University of Genoa


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Genoa plays a role.


Language in Place: Stylistic perspectives on landscape, place and environment

Edited by Edited byDaniela Francesca Virdis, Elisabetta Zurru & Ernestine Lahey

[Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 37] 2021. | edited volume
Subjects Theoretical literature & literary studies

Sociobiological Bases of Information Structure

Edited by Viviana Masia

[Advances in Interaction Studies, 9] 2017.  | monograph
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Psycholinguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

The Diachrony of Negation

Edited by Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen & Jacqueline Visconti

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 160] 2014. v, 258 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Functional linguistics | Historical linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
Pittaluga, Stefano 2024 Latin literature on the “discovery” of America
Keywords discovery of America | linguistic communication | European travelers | Native Americans | Peter Martyr of Anghiera | Latin “Columbian” epic | sixteenth century | Aeneas | classical myth | “noble savage” | aurea aetas
Coppola, Claudia, Giorgia Mannaioli & Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri 2024 Vagueness and ambiguity are very different (persuasion devices)
In: Vagueness, Ambiguity, and All the Rest: Linguistic and pragmatic approaches, Fiorentini, Ilaria & Chiara Zanchi (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 347] pp. 51–83
Keywords vagueness | ambiguity | persuasion | epistemic vigilance | implicit meaning | cognitive linguistics | experimental pragmatics
Loporcaro, Fabio, Juan Ramón Guijarro Ojeda & María Felisa Bermejo Calleja 2024 Estudio de corpus del español europeo sobre la selección modal en las oraciones valorativas encabezadas por el artículo neutro: <lo + adjetivo/verbo + ser que + indicativo/subjuntivo> [A corpus-based analysis on European Spanish mood selection in evaluative clauses with neutral article]
Keywords alternancia modal | indicativo y subjuntivo | oraciones valorativas | subordinadas sustantivas con lo | oraciones copulativas enfáticas | pragmática del modo | gramaticalización | lingüística de corpus | mood selection | indicative and subjunctive | evaluative clauses | substantive subordinate clause with lo | emphatic copulative clauses | mood pragmatics | grammaticalization | corpus linguistics
Lombardi, Giulia 2024 Forme e funzioni delle virgolette negli atti di parte
Revue Romane | Online First Publication, 19 pp. | article
Winter, Bodo & Francesca Strik-Lievers 2023 Semantic distance predicts metaphoricity and creativity judgments in synesthetic metaphors
Metaphor and the Social World 13:1pp. 59–80 | article
Keywords metaphor identification | norms | ratings | synesthetic metaphor | perception | perceptual metaphor | cosine similarity
Baicchi, Annalisa 2022 Kinaesthetic embodied schemas in emotion language: A contrastive comparison between manner-framed and path-framed languages
In: Figurativity and Human Ecology, Bagasheva, Alexandra, Bozhil Hristov & Nelly Tincheva (eds.) [Figurative Thought and Language, 17] pp. 151–180
Keywords emotive factive construction | emotion adjectives | locative and directional prepositions | embodied schemas | contrastive linguistics | talmy’s binary typology.
Fedriani, Chiara & Piera Molinelli 2023 Managing turns, building common ground, planning discourse: Discursive and interpersonal functions of Italian no(?)
Pragmatics & Cognition 29:2pp. 347–369 | article
Keywords alignment | turn-management | common ground | register variation | spoken Italian
Broccias, Cristiano 2022 A Cognitive Grammar approach to ‘metonymy’
In: Figurative Thought and Language in Action, Brdar, Mario & Rita Brdar-Szabó (eds.) [Figurative Thought and Language, 16] pp. 37–58
Keywords metonymy | reference point ability | conceptual integration | active zones | facets | conversion
Li, Yezhou & Luca Onnis 2021 Properties of child-directed speech in bilingual parents: A study on partial repetitions
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 12:6pp. 715–747 | article
Keywords bilingualism | child-directed speech | corpus analyses | partial repetitions | variation sets
Fedriani, Chiara 2021 
Journal of Historical Linguistics 11:2pp. 348–356 | book review
Virdis, Daniela Francesca, Elisabetta Zurru & Ernestine Lahey 2021 Introduction
In: Language in Place: Stylistic perspectives on landscape, place and environment, Virdis, Daniela Francesca, Elisabetta Zurru & Ernestine Lahey (eds.) [Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 37] pp. 1–16
Zurru, Elisabetta 2021 “Your planet needs you”: An ecostylistic analysis of an ecology-oriented interactive exhibition
In: Language in Place: Stylistic perspectives on landscape, place and environment, Virdis, Daniela Francesca, Elisabetta Zurru & Ernestine Lahey (eds.) [Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 37] pp. 209–228
Keywords ecostylistics | interactive narrative | point of view | lexical choices | multimodal metaphors
Broccias, Cristiano 2020  Falling to one’s death in multiple landscapes: From blending to typology
Keywords resultative | metonymy | Unique Path Constraint | blending | verb-framed language | satellite-framed language
Fedriani, Chiara & Piera Molinelli 2021 Functional expansions of temporal adverbs and discursive connectives: From Latin tum, tunc, dumque to Old Italian dunque
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 21:2pp. 182–207 | article
Keywords discursive connectives | functional expansion | inference-driven change | Latin | Old Italian | temporal adverbs
Baicchi, Annalisa & Paolo Della Putta 2019 Constructions at work in foreign language learners’ mind: A comparison between two sentence-sorting experiments with English and Italian learners
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 17:1pp. 219–242 | article
Keywords constructional priming | L2 learners | sentence-sorting experiments | construction-based L2 pedagogy | language typology
Székely, Marcell, Henry Powell, Fabio Vannucci, Francesco Rea, Alessandra Sciutti & John Michael 2019 The perception of a robot partner’s effort elicits a sense of commitment to human-robot interaction
Interaction Studies 20:2pp. 234–255 | article
Keywords commitment | effort | human-robot interaction | joint action
Baicchi, Annalisa & Aneider Iza Erviti 2020 Genre as cognitive construction: An analysis of discourse connectors in academic lectures
Pragmatics & Cognition 25:3pp. 576–601 | article
Keywords academic lecture genre | cognition | complementary alternation | discourse construction
Masia, Viviana 2017 A sociobiological account of indirect speech
Interaction Studies 18:1pp. 142–160 | article
Keywords Theory of Mind | exaptation | political discourse | cognitive fallacies
Fedriani, Chiara 2017  Nulla sum, nulla sum: Tota, tota occidi : Repetition as a (rare) strategy of intensification in Latin
Keywords repetition | degree intensification | illocutionary intensification | pragmatics | Latin
Strik Lievers, Francesca 2017 Figures and the senses: Towards a definition of synaesthesia
Keywords synaesthesia | perception | metaphor | metonymy | hypallage | simile
Fedriani, Chiara & Michele Prandi 2016 Exploring a diachronic (re)cycle of roles: The Dative complex from Latin to Romance
In: Advances in Research on Semantic Roles, Kittilä, Seppo & Fernando Zúñiga (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 88] pp. 133–171
Keywords dative | grammaticalization | Latin | role complex | Romance languages
Ricca, Davide & Jacqueline Visconti 2014 On the development of the Italian truth adverbs davvero and veramente
In: Diachronic Corpus Pragmatics, Taavitsainen, Irma, Andreas H. Jucker & Jukka Tuominen (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 243] pp. 133–154
Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt & Jacqueline Visconti 2014 The diachrony of negation: Introduction
In: The Diachrony of Negation, Mosegaard Hansen, Maj-Britt & Jacqueline Visconti (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 160] pp. 1–12
Fedriani, Chiara & Michele Prandi 2014 Exploring a diachronic (re)cycle of roles: The Dative complex from Latin to Romance
Studies in Language 38:3pp. 566–604 | article
Keywords grammaticalization | dative | Latin | role complex | Romance languages
Domaneschi, Filippo, Elena Carrea, Alberto Greco & Carlo Penco 2016 Propositional attitudes towards presuppositions: An experimental approach
Pragmatics & Cognition 22:3pp. 291–308 | article
Keywords propositional attitudes | presuppositions | experimental pragmatics
Penco, Carlo 2008 Keeping track of individuals: Brandom's analysis of Kripke's puzzle and the content of belief
In: The Pragmatics of Making it Explicit, Stekeler-Weithofer, Pirmin (ed.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 15] pp. 163–185
Keywords anaphora | belief | context | disquotational principle | holism | idiolect | indexical | opacity | pronoun | translation
Broccias, Cristiano 2006 The construal of simultaneity in English with special reference to as-clauses
Keywords simultaneity | as-clause | while-clause | path event | property | progressive
Penco, Carlo 2005 Keeping track of individuals: Brandom’s analysis of Kripke’s puzzle and the content of belief
Pragmatics & Cognition 13:1pp. 177–201 | article
Keywords idiolect | indexical | opacity | pronoun | anaphora | belief | translation | context | disquotational principle | holism
Broccias, Cristiano 2005 The cognitive basis of adjectival and adverbial resultative constructions
Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 2:1pp. 103–126 | article
Keywords reference point ability | raising construction | resultative construction | billiard-ball model | property ascription
Salmon Kovarski, Laura 2008 Anthroponyms, acronyms and allocutives in interpreting from Russian
In: Interpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and opportunities, Garzone, Giuliana & Maurizio Viezzi (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 43] pp. 83–94