Lund University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Lund University plays a role.

Perspectives on Pantomime

Edited by Przemysław Żywiczyński, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska

[Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] 2024. | edited volume
Subjects Evolution of language

Voices of Supporters: Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections

Veronika Koller, Natalia Borza, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner

[Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 101] 2023. | monograph
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics
Subjects Applied linguistics | English linguistics | Language policy | Language teaching | MultilingualismTranslation Studies
Subjects Applied linguistics
Subjects Artificial Intelligence | Cognition and language | Evolution of language
Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics
Subjects Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics

From Gesture in Conversation to Visible Action as Utterance: Essays in honor of Adam Kendon

Edited by Mandana Seyfeddinipur & Marianne Gullberg

2014. ix, 379 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Cognition and language | Discourse studies | Gesture Studies | Pragmatics

Approaches to Hungarian: Volume 13: Papers from the 2011 Lund conference

Edited by Johan Brandtler, Valéria Molnár & Christer Platzack

[Approaches to Hungarian, 13] 2013. v, 254 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Uralic languages

Communication in Humans and Other Animals

Gisela Håkansson & Jennie Westander

[Advances in Interaction Studies, 4] 2013. xi, 242 pp. | course book
Subjects Cognition and language | Evolution of language

Moving Ourselves, Moving Others: Motion and emotion in intersubjectivity, consciousness and language

Edited by Ad Foolen, Ulrike M. Lüdtke, Timothy P. Racine & Jordan Zlatev

[Consciousness & Emotion Book Series, 6] 2012. viii, 492 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Cognition and language | Evolution of languageConsciousness research
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Gestures in Language Development

Edited by Marianne Gullberg & Kees de Bot

[Benjamins Current Topics, 28] 2010. viii, 139 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Gesture Studies | Language acquisition

Modality and Subordinators

Jackie Nordström

[Studies in Language Companion Series, 116] 2010. xvii, 341 pp. | monograph
Subjects Germanic linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
Subjects Computational & corpus linguistics | Multilingualism | Neurolinguistics | Psycholinguistics | Semantics
Subjects Functional linguistics | Pragmatics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Discourse studies | PragmaticsCognitive psychology

The Shared Mind: Perspectives on intersubjectivity

Edited by Jordan Zlatev, Timothy P. Racine, Chris Sinha & Esa Itkonen

[Converging Evidence in Language and Communication Research, 12] 2008. xiii, 391 pp. | course book
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Evolution of language | PsycholinguisticsCognitive psychologyConsciousness research
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

The Acquisition of Swedish Grammar

Edited by Gunlög Josefsson, Christer Platzack & Gisela Håkansson

[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 33] 2004. vi, 313 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Generative linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Language acquisition | Syntax
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Uralic languages

Cognitive Semantics: Meaning and cognition

Edited by Jens Allwood & Peter Gärdenfors

[Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 55] 1999. x, 201 pp. | course book
Subjects Cognition and language | Semantics
Håkansson, Gisela 2024 Speech modifications and the Processability Theory hierarchy: Some observations on word order in Swedish L1 and L2 input
Keywords V2 | subject-verb inversion | Swedish | L1 acquisition | L2 acquisition | input | Processability Theory
Gärdenfors, Peter 2024 The relations of demonstration and pantomime to causal reasoning and event cognition
In: Perspectives on Pantomime, Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] pp. 58–77
Keywords demonstration | pantomime | cognitive evolution | causal cognition | event representation
Zlatev, Jordan, Marta Sibierska, Przemysław Żywiczyński, Joost van de Weijer & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska 2024 Can pantomime narrate?: A cognitive semiotic approach
In: Perspectives on Pantomime, Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] pp. 115–138
Keywords cognitive semiotics | bodily mimesis | narration | story | event sequence primary/secondary narrativity | simple/complex narratives
Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska 2024 Perspectives on pantomime: Evolution, development, interaction
In: Perspectives on Pantomime, Żywiczyński, Przemysław, Johan Blomberg & Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska (eds.) [Advances in Interaction Studies, 12] pp. 1–15
Lorenz, David 2023  Could be, might be, maybe : Mechanisms of grammaticalization in synchronic use and perception
In: Different Slants on Grammaticalization, Hancil, Sylvie & Vittorio Tantucci (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 232] pp. 124–146
Keywords potential grammaticalization | synchronic usage | cognitive mechanisms of grammaticalization | epistemic phrases | adverbialization | morphological erosion
Borza, Natalia, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Veronika Koller, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner 2023 Introduction: European elections and the voices of supporters on social media
In: Voices of Supporters: Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections, Koller, Veronika, Natalia Borza, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner[Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 101] pp. 1–16
Gustafsson, Anna W. & Charlotta Seiler Brylla 2023 Sweden: “Go Jimmie go!”: The voices of Sweden Democrat supporters
In: Voices of Supporters: Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections, Koller, Veronika, Natalia Borza, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner[Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 101] pp. 257–279
Borza, Natalia, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Veronika Koller, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner 2023 The discourse of supporters for populist parties across Europe
In: Voices of Supporters: Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections, Koller, Veronika, Natalia Borza, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner[Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 101] pp. 280–292
Borza, Natalia, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Veronika Koller, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner 2023 Populism and populism studies: Theories and contributions
In: Voices of Supporters: Populist parties, social media and the 2019 European elections, Koller, Veronika, Natalia Borza, Massimiliano Demata, Laura Filardo-Llamas, Anna W. Gustafsson, Susanne Kopf, Marlene Miglbauer, Valeria Reggi, Ljiljana Šarić, Charlotta Seiler Brylla & Maria Stopfner[Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 101] pp. 17–34
Johansson, Victoria, Åsa Wengelin & Roger Johansson 2023 Using keystroke logging for studying L2 writing processes
In: Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes, Manchón, Rosa M. & Julio Roca de Larios (eds.) [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 5] pp. 161–182
Johansson, Victoria, Roger Johansson & Åsa Wengelin 2023 Using eye tracking to study digital writing processes
In: Research Methods in the Study of L2 Writing Processes, Manchón, Rosa M. & Julio Roca de Larios (eds.) [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 5] pp. 183–200
Eriksson, Anders 2023 Apocalyptic argumentation: Trump and ISIS
Journal of Argumentation in Context 12:1pp. 116–134 | article
Keywords apocalyptic | argumentation | ISIS | narrative | reasonableness | religion | rhetoric | Trump
Zlatev, Jordan & Kalina Moskaluk 2022 Translation validity in metaphor theories: CMT, DMT and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model
In: Figurativity and Human Ecology, Bagasheva, Alexandra, Bozhil Hristov & Nelly Tincheva (eds.) [Figurative Thought and Language, 17] pp. 123–148
Keywords translation validity | Motivation & Sedimentation Model (MSM) | CMT | DMT | anxiety | psychotherapy | (verbo)-pictorial metaphors
Gustafsson, Anna W, Per Johnsson, Kajsa Järvholm, Katarina Bernhardsson, Torbjörn Forslid & Anders Ohlsson 2023 An intricate dance of intersubjectivity: The social and cognitive benefits of a digital shared reading group
Scientific Study of Literature 12:1/2pp. 103–132 | article
Keywords shared reading | collaborative meaning-making | joint attention | perspective-taking | social cohesion
Gullberg, Marianne 2023 Why Second Language Acquisition of sign languages matters to general SLA research
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 13:2pp. 231–253 | article
Keywords SLA | sign languages | modality | generalisability
Dimova, Slobodanka & Joyce Kling 2022 Emerging assessment needs and solutions in EMI in higher education
Journal of English-Medium Instruction 1:2pp. 137–152 | review article
Kruspe, Nicole & Asifa Majid 2022 The linguistics of odour in Semaq Beri and Semelai, two Austroasiatic languages of the Malay Peninsula
Studies in Language 47:3pp. 599–642 | article
Keywords olfaction | Aslian languages | olfactory language | basic smell terms | morphosyntax | semantics
Lenninger, Sara 2022 Introduction
In: Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems, Lenninger, Sara, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg & Elżbieta Tabakowska (eds.) [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 18] pp. 1–8
Sonesson, Göran 2022 The intricate dialectics of iconization and structuration
In: Iconicity in Cognition and across Semiotic Systems, Lenninger, Sara, Olga Fischer, Christina Ljungberg & Elżbieta Tabakowska (eds.) [Iconicity in Language and Literature, 18] pp. 11–26
Son, Vi Thanh & Gisela Håkansson 2022 What is in the learner’s mind when trying to verbalize grammatical rules?: English third-person singular -s in two settings, Sweden and Vietnam
Pedagogical Linguistics 5:1pp. 56–75 | article
Keywords declarative knowledge | English third-person singular present tense-s | grammatical rules | L2 English
Sibierska, Marta, Monika Boruta-Żywiczyńska, Przemysław Żywiczyński & Sławomir Wacewicz 2023 What’s in a mime?: An exploratory analysis of predictors of communicative success of pantomime
Interaction Studies 23:2pp. 289–321 | article
Keywords pantomime | bodily mimesis | non-verbal communication | communicative success
Zlatev, Jordan, Göran Jacobsson & Liina Paju 2021 Desiderata for metaphor theory, the Motivation & Sedimentation Model and motion-emotion metaphoremes
In: Figurative Language - Intersubjectivity and Usage, Soares da Silva, Augusto (ed.) [Figurative Thought and Language, 11] pp. 41–74
Keywords metaphoricity | semiotic systems | motion | emotion | cognitive semiotics
Carling, Gerd & Chundra Cathcart 2021 Evolutionary dynamics of Indo-European alignment patterns
Diachronica 38:3pp. 358–412 | article
Keywords historical linguistics | evolutionary linguistics | Proto-Indo-European | linguistic typology | grammar evolution | alignment | syntactic reconstruction
Håkansson, Gisela & Birgitta Waters 2021 A case study of a quadrilingual child: The influence of exposure and cognates when developing multiple languages
In: Language Impairment in Multilingual Settings: LITMUS in action across Europe, Armon-Lotem, Sharon & Kleanthes K. Grohmann (eds.) [Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 29] pp. 77–98
Keywords simultaneous multilingualism | quadrilingual | Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks | vocabulary | exposure | cognates | distributed vocabulary
Zillén, Erik 2022 Death of a genre?: The Aesopic fable and the emergence of modernity
Reinardus 33pp. 151–167 | article
Keywords Aesopic fable | modernity | genre history | virtue ethics | rhetorical exemplum | anthropomorphization | principle of prodesse & delectare
Whitehouse, Marlies, Henrik Rahm, Séverine Wozniak, Steven Breunig, Gianni De Nardi, Frédérick Dionne, Misa Fujio, Eva-Maria Graf, Igor Matic, Christopher J. McKenna, Felix Steiner & Silga Sviķe 2021 Developing shared languages: The fundamentals of mutual learning and problem solving in transdisciplinary collaboration
AILA Review 34:1pp. 1–18 | introduction
Bladh, Elisabeth & Henrik Henriksson 2020 The PC and Imparfait in German and Swedish (re)‍translations of L’Étranger
Keywords  passé compose | imparfait | retranslation | Swedish | German | aspect | style
Devylder, Simon & Jordan Zlatev 2020 Cutting and breaking metaphors of the self and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model
Keywords cognitive semiotics | Conceptual Metaphor Theory | metaphoricity | iconicity | irreversible separation
Sigurðsson, Halldór Ármann 2020 Universality and variation in language: The fundamental issues
Keywords Root Zero | Concept Mine | Simplest Merge | tense | gender | edge features | edge computation | parameters | language metamorphosis
Blomberg, Frida, Mikael Roll, Johan Frid, Magnus Lindgren & Merle Horne 2020 The role of affective meaning, semantic associates, and orthographic neighbours in modulating the N400 in single words
The Mental Lexicon 15:2pp. 161–188 | article
Keywords concreteness | emotional arousal | semantic specificity | semantic associates | orthographic neighbours: ERP | N400 | lexical decision, word vector
Howard, Martin & Malin Ågren 2019 Introduction: La liaison en français langue étrangère
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 10:1pp. 11–21 | introduction
Hed, Anna, Andrea Schremm, Merle Horne & Mikael Roll 2019 Neural correlates of second language acquisition of tone-grammar associations
The Mental Lexicon 14:1p. 98 | article
Keywords second language acquisition | ERP | PrAN | LAN | prosody | morphology
Splendido, Frida 2019 The development of obligatory liaison in early L2 learners of French
Keywords child second language acquisition | phonology | liaison | French
Einfeldt, Marieke, Joost van de Weijer & Tanja Kupisch 2019 The production of geminates in Italian-dominant bilinguals and heritage speakers of Italian
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 10:2pp. 177–203 | article
Keywords gemination | heritage bilingualism | Italian | German | cross-linguistic influence | gémination | bilinguisme | langue d’origine héritée | italien | allemand | influence translinguistique
Ågren, Malin & Joost van de Weijer 2019 The production of preverbal liaison in Swedish learners of L2 French
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 10:1pp. 117–139 | article
Keywords liaison | French | second language acquisition | phonology | subject-verb agreement | Swedish learners
Mattsson, Anna Flyman 2019 Morpho-syntactic development in the input: A study of second language learning textbooks
In: Teachability and Learnability across Languages, Arntzen, Ragnar, Gisela Håkansson, Arnstein Hjelde & Jörg-U. Keßler (eds.) [Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research & Teaching, 6] pp. 51–70
Devylder, Simon 2019 Mereology in the flesh
Keywords mereology | metonymy | partonymy vs.meronymy | embodiment | manual coding.
Howard, Martin & Malin Ågren 2019 Introduction: French liaison in second language acquisition
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 10:1pp. 1–10 | introduction
Mesh, Kate & Lynn Hou 2020 Negation in San Juan Quiahije Chatino Sign Language: The integration and adaptation of conventional gestures
Gesture 17:3pp. 330–374 | article
Keywords gesture | emblems | recurrent | conventional | sign language | language emergence | lexicon | conventionalization | negation | Mesoamerica | indigenous | Chatino
Cathcart, Chundra, Gerd Carling, Filip Larsson, Niklas Johansson & Erich Round 2018 Areal pressure in grammatical evolution: An Indo-European case study
Diachronica 35:1pp. 1–34 | article
Keywords historical linguistics | evolutionary linguistics | areal linguistics | typological change | Indo-European | language contact | complexity
Kruspe, Nicole & Niclas Burenhult 2018 Pronouns in affinal avoidance registers: Evidence from the Aslian languages (Austroasiatic, Malay Peninsula)
Keywords pronouns | affinal avoidance | Aslian languages | Austroasiatic | honorific and respect registers | “mother-in-law language” | dual
Fridell Anter, Karin & Marina Weilguni 2018 Colour in the Pompeiian cityscape: Manifestations of status, religion, traffic and commerce
In: Progress in colour studies: Cognition, language and beyond, MacDonald, Lindsay W., Carole P. Biggam & Galina V. Paramei (eds.) pp. 419–439
Keywords Pompeii | urban space | façade colour
Andrén, Mats & Johan Blomberg 2018 Children’s use of gesture and action with static and dynamic verbs
Keywords gesture | action | verbs | development | language
Zlatev, Jordan & Georgios Stampoulidis 2018 R. W. Gibbs, Jr. (Ed.). (2016). Mixing Metaphor
Metaphor and the Social World 8:2pp. 326–333 | book review
Bernardini, Petra & Joost van de Weijer 2018 On the direction of cross-linguistic influence in the acquisition of object clitics in French and Italian
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 8:2pp. 204–233 | article
Keywords object clitics | direction of cross-linguistic influence | French | Italian | bilingual acquisition
Pleyer, Michael, Stefan Hartmann, James Winters & Jordan Zlatev 2017 Interaction and iconicity in the evolution of language: Introduction to the special issue
Interaction Studies 18:3pp. 303–313 | Introduction
Keywords interaction | iconicity | language evolution
Gyllstad, Henrik & Lari-Valtteri Suhonen 2018 Is attrition a type of learning?: Modelling change in the multilingual mental lexicon
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7:6pp. 700–703 | article commentary
Killander Cariboni, Carla 2017 La sceneggiatura teatrale inedita di “La Virtù di Checchina”: Discorso indiretto libero e modo iterativo nel transfer intermediale
Revue Romane 52:2pp. 282–300 | article
Keywords unpublished | Franciosa | “Checchina’s Virtue” | Serao | iterative | free indirect discourse | diegetic narrativity | mimetic narrativity
Zlatev, Jordan, Sławomir Wacewicz, Przemyslaw Zywiczynski & Joost van de Weijer 2017 Multimodal-first or pantomime-first?: Communicating events through pantomime with and without vocalization
Interaction Studies 18:3pp. 465–488 | article
Keywords bodily mimesis | pantomime | multimodal origins | multimodality | language origins | language evolution | gesture
Bossetta, Michael, Anamaria Dutceac Segesten & Hans-Jörg Trenz 2017 Political participation on Facebook during Brexit: Does user engagement on media pages stimulate engagement with campaigns?
Journal of Language and Politics 17:2pp. 173–194 | article
Keywords big data | social media | polarization | political communication | referendum | Facebook comments | public pages | political campaigning
Hartman, Jenny 2017 Premonitory urges and Touretting volcanoes: Force construal in personal narratives on Tourette Syndrome
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 15:1pp. 154–182 | article
Keywords force construal | vectors | causation | causative configurations | Tourette Syndrome
Colonna Dahlman, Roberta & Tanja Kupisch 2016 Attrition at the interfaces in bilectal acquisition (Italian/Gallipolino)
In: Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation, Bidese, Ermenegildo, Federica Cognola & Manuela Caterina Moroni (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 234] pp. 295–316
Keywords Gallipolino | L1 attrition | post-puberty migration | the complementizer system in Gallipolino | the Interface Hypothesis
Sigur∂sson, Halldór Ármann 2016 The Split T Analysis
Keywords double access readings | sequence of tenses | tense | tense agreement | tense computation | the syntax-PF correlation
Hill, Clair 2017 Expression of the interpersonal connection between narrators and characters in Umpila and Kuuku Ya’u storytelling
Narrative Inquiry 26:2pp. 257–285 | article
Keywords person reference | kin-terms | narrative | Umpila/Kuuku Ya'u
Schremm, Andrea, Pelle Söderström, Merle Horne & Mikael Roll 2016 Implicit acquisition of tone-suffix connections in L2 learners of Swedish
The Mental Lexicon 11:1pp. 55–75 | article
Keywords response times | word accents | second language acquisition | morphology | implicit learning
Lloyd-Smith, Anika, Henrik Gyllstad & Tanja Kupisch 2016 Transfer into L3 English: Global accent in German-dominant heritage speakers of Turkish
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 7:2pp. 131–162 | article
Keywords L3 acquisition | global accent | heritage speakers
Gyllstad, Henrik, Laura Vilkaitė & Norbert Schmitt 2016 Assessing vocabulary size through multiple-choice formats: Issues with guessing and sampling rates
Keywords assessment | sampling rate | testing | validation | vocabulary size | guessing | multiple-choice test | criterion-related validity
Caballero, Rosario & Carita Paradis 2015 Making sense of sensory perceptions across languages and cultures
Functions of Language 22:1pp. 1–19 | article
Engström, Robin & Carita Paradis 2015 The in-group and out-groups of the British National Party and the UK Independence Party: A corpus-based discourse-historical analysis
Journal of Language and Politics 14:4pp. 501–527 | article
Keywords extreme right | far right | fascism | immigration | nationalism | self representation
Ågren, Malin, Jonas Granfeldt & Anita Thomas 2014  Combined effects of age of onset and input on the development of different grammatical structures: A study of simultaneous and successive bilingual acquisition of French
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 4:4pp. 462–493 | article
Keywords Child second language acquisition | bilingual first language acquisition | bilingualism | French | morphosyntactic development | age of onset of acquisition | quantity and quality of input | input profiles
Håkansson, Gisela 2014  Micro- and macro-parameters and age of onset
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 4:3pp. 343–346 | article commentary
Roehrs, Dorian & Marit Julien 2014 Adjectives in German and Norwegian: Differences in weak and strong inflections
In: Adjectives in Germanic and Romance, Sleeman, Petra, Freek Van de Velde & Harry Perridon (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 212] pp. 245–262
Seyfeddinipur, Mandana & Marianne Gullberg 2014 From gesture in conversation to visible action as utterance
In: From Gesture in Conversation to Visible Action as Utterance: Essays in honor of Adam Kendon, Seyfeddinipur, Mandana & Marianne Gullberg (eds.) pp. 1–12
van de Weijer, Joost & Dylan Glynn 2014 Statistics in R: First steps
Keywords cross-tabulation | dataframe | formatting data | importing data
Andrén, Mats 2015 Multimodal constructions in children: Is the headshake part of language?
Gesture 14:2pp. 141–170 | article
Keywords gesture | language | construction grammar | multimodal constructions | conventionality | development
Hult, Francis M. & Sari Pietikäinen 2014 Shaping discourses of multilingualism through a language ideological debate: The case of Swedish in Finland
Journal of Language and Politics 13:1pp. 1–20 | article
Keywords education policy | Finnish | Finland | language ideological debate | media | societal multilingualism | Swedish
Håkansson, Gisela 2013 Chapter 6. Processability Theory: Explaining developmental sequences
In: Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, García Mayo, María del Pilar, María Juncal Gutiérrez Mangado & María Martínez-Adrián (eds.) [AILA Applied Linguistics Series, 9] pp. 111–128
Rosenkvist, Henrik & Sanna Skärlund 2013 Grammaticalization in the present – The changes of modern Swedish typ
In: Synchrony and Diachrony: A dynamic interface, Giacalone Ramat, Anna, Caterina Mauri & Piera Molinelli (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 133] pp. 313–338
Heinat, Fredrik & Satu Manninen 2013 How do things get done: On non-canonical passives in Finnish
In: Non-Canonical Passives, Alexiadou, Artemis & Florian Schäfer (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 205] pp. 213–234
Egerland, Verner 2013 On the grammar of kinship: Possessive enclisis in Italian dialects
In: Deixis and Pronouns in Romance Languages, Kragh, Kirsten Jeppesen & Jan Lindschouw (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 136] pp. 69–84
Manninen, Satu 2013 Resultative passives in Finnish
In: Approaches to Hungarian: Volume 13: Papers from the 2011 Lund conference, Brandtler, Johan, Valéria Molnár & Christer Platzack (eds.) [Approaches to Hungarian, 13] pp. 179–198
Platzack, Christer 2013 Spurious topic drop in Swedish
Gustafsson, Kristina, Eva Norström & Ingrid Fioretos 2013 The interpreter – a cultural broker?
In: Interpreting in a Changing Landscape: Selected papers from Critical Link 6, Schäffner, Christina, Krzysztof Kredens & Yvonne Fowler (eds.) [Benjamins Translation Library, 109] pp. 187–202
da Silva Sinha, Vera, Chris Sinha, Wany Sampaio & Jörg Zinken 2012 1. Event-based time intervals in an Amazonian culture
Keywords Amazonia | artefacts | onomastics | semiotic mediation | time reckoning
Platzack, Christer 2012 Cross Germanic variation in the realm of support verbs
In: Comparative Germanic Syntax: The state of the art, Ackema, Peter, Rhona Alcorn, Caroline Heycock, Dany Jaspers, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Guido Vanden Wyngaerd (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 191] pp. 279–310
Zlatev, Jordan 2012 Prologue: Bodily motion, emotion and mind science
In: Moving Ourselves, Moving Others: Motion and emotion in intersubjectivity, consciousness and language, Foolen, Ad, Ulrike M. Lüdtke, Timothy P. Racine & Jordan Zlatev (eds.) [Consciousness & Emotion Book Series, 6] pp. 1–26
Narasimhan, Bhuvana, Anetta Kopecka, Melissa F. Bowerman, Marianne Gullberg & Asifa Majid 2012 Putting and taking events: A crosslinguistic perspective
In: Events of Putting and Taking: A crosslinguistic perspective, Kopecka, Anetta & Bhuvana Narasimhan (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 100] pp. 1–18
Hall-Lew, Lauren, Rebecca Lurie Starr & Elizabeth Coppock 2012 Style-shifting in the U.S. Congress: The foreign (a) vowel in “Iraq(i)”
In: Style-Shifting in Public: New perspectives on stylistic variation, Hernández-Campoy, Juan Manuel & Juan Antonio Cutillas-Espinosa (eds.) [Studies in Language Variation, 9] pp. 45–64
Granfeldt, Jonas 2012 Development of object clitics in child L2 French: A comparison of developmental sequences in different modes of acquisition
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 3:1pp. 140–162 | article
Keywords age of onset | child L2 acquisition | bilingual acquisition | object clitics | French | categorial uniformity
Söderström, Pelle, Mikael Roll & Merle Horne 2012 Processing morphologically conditioned word accents
The Mental Lexicon 7:1pp. 77–89 | article
Keywords Accent 1 | Accent 2 | word accents | response time | Swedish | morphology
Norström, Eva, Ingrid Fioretos & Kristina Gustafsson 2012 Working conditions of community interpreters in Sweden: Opportunities and shortcomings
Interpreting 14:2pp. 242–260 | article
Keywords interpreting services | working conditions | procurement | interpreter training | authorisation
Ringmar, Martin 2012 Relay translation
Ringmar, Martin 2012 Relay translation
Mark, David M., Andrew G. Turk, Niclas Burenhult & David Stea 2011 Landscape in language: An introduction
In: Landscape in Language: Transdisciplinary perspectives, Mark, David M., Andrew G. Turk, Niclas Burenhult & David Stea (eds.) [Culture and Language Use: Studies in Anthropological Linguistics, 4] pp. 1–24
Paradis, Carita & Caroline Willners 2011 Antonymy: From convention to meaning-making
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 9:2pp. 367–391 | article
Keywords constructions | oppositeness | corpus | categorization | psycholinguistic experiment | configuration | construal | schema | lexico-semantic relation | frequency | synonymy
Mossberg, Mari 2011 L’emploi du gérondif et de la construction V1 och V2 dans l’incise: Étude contrastive français-suédois
Revue Romane 46:1pp. 1–41 | article
Keywords inserted clause | contrastive analysis | language typology | gérondif | “V1 och V2” construction | endocentric and exocentric languages
Sigurdsson, Halldór Ármann 2012 Uniformity and diversity: A minimalist perspective
Linguistic Variation 11:2pp. 189–222 | article
Rosenkvist, Henrik 2010 A case of degrammaticalization in northern Swedish
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Holmer, Arthur 2010 Seediq adverbial verbs: A review of the evidence
In: Austronesian and Theoretical Linguistics, Mercado, Raphael, Eric Potsdam & Lisa deMena Travis (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 167] pp. 163–182
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Altenberg, Bengt 2010 Conclusive English then and Swedish : A corpus-based contrastive study
Languages in Contrast 10:1pp. 102–123 | article
Keywords English/Swedish | translation | conclusion marker | contrastive analysis | corpus linguistics
Sigur∂sson, Halldór Ármann 2009 The No Case Generalization
In: Advances in Comparative Germanic Syntax, Alexiadou, Artemis, Jorge Hankamer, Thomas McFadden, Justin Nuger & Florian Schäfer (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 141] pp. 249–280
Ekberg, Lena & Carita Paradis 2009 Editorial: Evidentiality in language and cognition
Functions of Language 16:1pp. 5–7 | article
Paradis, Carita, Caroline Willners & Steven Jones 2009 Good and bad opposites: Using textual and experimental techniques to measure antonym canonicity
The Mental Lexicon 4:3pp. 380–429 | article
Keywords conventionalization | lexico-semantic relation | antonym | adjective | synonym | contrast | prototype | gradable
Batmanian, Natalie, Susan Sayehli & Virginia Valian 2008 Inclusion of auxiliaries: Competence and performance differences in early learners
EUROSLA Yearbook 8:1pp. 215–234 | article
Delsing, Lars-Olof 2008 10. Scandinavian intercomprehension today
Keywords Danish | English | globalisation | mutual understanding | Norwegian | Swedish
Sigur∂sson, Halldór Ármann 2008 Argument features, clausal structure and the computation
In: Argument Structure, Reuland, Eric J., Tanmoy Bhattacharya & Giorgos Spathas (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 108] pp. 121–158
Platzack, Christer 2008 Embedded imperatives
Norrby, Catrin Elisabeth & Gisela Håkansson 2007 Girl – lass or curl?: World associations in second language learners
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Holmer, Arthur 2008 Seediq: Antisymmetry and final particles in a Formosan VOS language
In: Verb First: On the syntax of verb-initial languages, Carnie, Andrew, Heidi Harley & Sheila Dooley (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 73] pp. 175–201
Håkansson, Gisela & Catrin Elisabeth Norrby 2005 Grammar and pragmatics: Swedish as a foreign language
EUROSLA Yearbook 5:1pp. 137–161 | article
Altenberg, Bengt 2005 The generic person in English and Swedish: A contrastive study of one and man
Languages in Contrast 5:1p. 93 | article
Keywords generic pronoun | corpus linguistics | English/Swedish
Sigurdsson, Halldór Ármann 2005 Meaningful silence, meaningless sounds
Linguistic Variation Yearbook 4:1pp. 235–259 | article
Keywords pronominal reference | universal features | feature selection | feature interpretation | matching | logophoric features | perceptible form | Silence Principle | PF | Compactness Principle | speech event | Uniformity Principle | speech event features | language uniformity
Teleman, Ulf 2006 Swedish
In: Germanic Standardizations: Past to Present, Deumert, Ana & Wim Vandenbussche (eds.) [IMPACT: Studies in Language, Culture and Society, 18] pp. 405–429
Berman, Ruth A., Hrafnhildur Ragnarsdóttir & Sven Strömqvist 2003 Discourse stance: Written and spoken language
Written Language & Literacy 5:2pp. 255–289 | article
Tolchinsky, Liliana, Victoria Johansson & Anita Zamora 2003 Text openings and closings in writing and speech: Autonomy and differentiation
Written Language & Literacy 5:2pp. 219–253 | article
Zlatev, Jordan 2003 Meaning = Life (+ Culture): An outline of a unified biocultural theory of meaning
Evolution of Communication 4:2pp. 253–296 | article
Keywords conventions | epigenesis | language | meaning | mimesis | robots | signs | value
Gullberg, Marianne & Kenneth Holmqvist 1999 Keeping an eye on gestures: Visual perception of gestures in face-to-face communication
Pragmatics & Cognition 7:1pp. 35–63 | article
Holmberg, Robert, Niklas Karlsson & Alexander Styhre 1998 Rethinking Production Games: Potentials for Empowerment and Discipline in Virtual Worlds
Concepts and Transformation 3:3pp. 271–282 | article
Keywords Production Simulation | Outsider Perspective | Games | Social Interaction.
Pettersson, Thore 2013 In favour of the archiphoneme
In: Phonology in the 1980’s, Goyvaerts, Didier L. (ed.) [Studies in the Sciences of Language Series, 4] pp. 39–54
Lindell, Kiki Star-crossed lovers in Sweden
In: Romeo and Juliet in European culture, Cerdá, Juan F., Dirk Delabastita & Keith Gregor (eds.) [Shakespeare in European Culture, 1] pp. 159–176
Keywords  Romeo and Juliet | Swedish Shakespeare translations | Swedish stage history | Carl August Hagberg | ageism | gender-blind casting