Free University of Bozen-Bolzano


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Free University of Bozen-Bolzano plays a role.


Lazzeretti, Cecilia & Maria Cristina Gatti 2023 Dialogic interaction between player and non-player characters in animal crossing: A corpus-based study
Language and Dialogue 13:1p. 81 | article
Keywords Animal Crossing | non-player characters | player retention | ludolinguistics | corpus linguistics | videogames
Negro, Silvia Dal 2021 The dilemmas of ‘saving’ a dying language: Walser German between documentation and planning
Keywords Walser German | linguistic landscape | language commodification
Veronesi, Daniela, Lorenzo Spreafico, Cecilia Varcasia, Alessandro Vietti & Rita Franceschini 2013 Chapter 12. Multilingual higher education between policies and practices: A case study
In: Exploring the Dynamics of Multilingualism: The DYLAN project, Berthoud, Anne-Claude, François Grin & Georges Lüdi (eds.) [Multilingualism and Diversity Management, 2] pp. 253–278
Bernardi, Raffaella 2010 Scope ambiguities through the mirror
In: The Linguistics Enterprise: From knowledge of language to knowledge in linguistics, Everaert, Martin B.H., Tom Lentz, Hannah N.M. De Mulder, Øystein Nilsen & Arjen Zondervan (eds.) [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 150] pp. 11–54
Volonté, Paolo 2007 The social context of scientific knowledge production and the problem of demarcation
Pragmatics & Cognition 14:3pp. 527–568 | article
Keywords demarcation | credibility | sociology | scientific knowledge