Université Paris Nanterre


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Université Paris Nanterre plays a role.


Subjects Cognition and language | Gesture Studies | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Tyrkkö, Jukka, Sophie Raineri, Jenni Räikkönen, Alžběta Budirská, Mai Nabawy & Amanda Silfver 2024 Speaking for the downtrodden: The pragmatics of pronominal references in 200 years of activist speeches
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 25:2pp. 274–301 | article
Keywords activist speeches | political speaking | burstiness | pronominal reference | audience design
Dugua, Céline, Marie Skrovec, Gabriel Bergounioux & Olivier Baude 2023 Variation in space and society: The case of interviewers and transcribers in a corpus of spoken French (ESLO)
In: Corpus Dialectology, Pustka, Elissa, Carmen Quijada Van den Berghe & Verena Weiland (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 110] pp. 34–57
Derégnaucourt, Sébastien, Alice Araguas & Bahia Guellaï 2023 Technological advances for getting insight into the learning capacities of birds in the vocal domain
Interaction Studies 24:2pp. 289–310 | article
Keywords learning capacities | birds | technology | vocal interaction
Jover, Marianne & Maya Gratier 2023 Toward a multimodal and continuous approach of infant-adult interactions
Interaction Studies 24:1p. 5 | article
Keywords infant | dyadic interaction | vocalization | movement
Claudel, Chantal 2023 Multimodality and subtitles: A focus on im/politeness in Japanese films with French subtitles through the example of some rituals
In: Multimodal Im/politeness: Signed, spoken, written, Jucker, Andreas H., Iris Hübscher & Lucien Brown (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 333] pp. 275–296
Keywords multimodality | im/politeness | Japanese films | French subtitles | rituals | aisatsu
Ramos Sañudo, Ana María 2023 El análisis pragmalingüístico al servicio de la traducción: El caso del marcador francés il n’y a pas à dire y sus equivalencias en español [Pragmalinguistic analysis at the service of translation]
Keywords análisis pragmalingüístico | traducción | lexicografía | traductología | francés-español | marcador discursivo | unidad fraseológica | modalidad epistémica | il n’y a pas à dire | pragmalinguistic analysis | translation | lexicography | translation studies | French-Spanish | discourse marker | phraseological unit | epistemic modality | il n’y a pas à dire
Kosmala, Loulou 2023 Exploring the status of filled pauses as pragmatic markers: The role of gaze and gesture
Pragmatics & Cognition 29:2pp. 272–296 | article
Keywords filled pauses | gesture | multimodality | face-to-face interactions | register variation
Piccoli, Vanessa & Rosa Pugliese 2022 Laughing at English: The lingua franca at the interface between local-interactional resistance and cultural-societal pressure
Language and Dialogue 12:3pp. 360–382 | article
Keywords English lingua franca | conversation analysis | (affiliative)stance | laughter | business interactions
Herry-Bénit, Nadine, Stéphanie Lopez, Takeki Kamiyama & Jeff Tennant 2021 The interphonology of contemporary English corpus (IPCE-IPAC)
Keywords interphonology | phonetic learner corpora | EFL | transcription | coding
Oddo, Alexandra 2021 Variation diatopique de la langue espagnole : variantes, synonymies et homonymies en phraséologie [Geographical variation in Spanish phraseology]
Lingvisticæ Investigationes 43:2pp. 265–279 | article
Keywords linguistique | phraséologie | variation diatopique | variété | variante | linguistics | phraseology | geographical variation | variety | variant
Filippa, Manuela, Maya Gratier, Emmanuel Devouche & Didier Grandjean 2019 Changes in infant-directed speech and song are related to preterm infant facial expression in the neonatal intensive care unit
Interaction Studies 19:3pp. 427–444 | article
Keywords premature infant | maternal speech | maternal singing | infant behaviour | neonatal intensive care unit | prosody
Kerleroux, Françoise 2017 Derivationally based homophony in French
Keywords French | homophony | conversion | lexical morphology | derivation
Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline & Camille Debras 2017 Developing communicative postures: The emergence of shrugging in child communication
Keywords shrug | multimodality | gesture development | gesture compositionality | gestural emblems | first language acquisition | embodied interaction.
Debras, Camille 2017 The shrug: Forms and meanings of a compound enactment
Gesture 16:1pp. 1–34 | article
Keywords shrug | emblem | recurrent gesture | compositionality | gesture complexity | compound enactment
Mazza, Vincenzo 2017 William Faulkner au croisement de deux hommes de théâtre: Albert Camus et Jean-Louis Barrault
Revue Romane 52:1pp. 102–112 | article
Keywords William Faulkner | Albert Camus | Jean-Louis Barrault | adaptation | theater | mise en scène
Ladmiral, Jean-René 2017 « La traduction comme paradigme de l’écriture »
FORUM 15:2pp. 306–316 | article
Debras, Camille & Emilie L’Hôte 2015 Framing, metaphor and dialogue: A multimodal approach to party conference speeches
Metaphor and the Social World 5:2pp. 177–204 | article
Keywords Party conference speeches | discourse analysis | corpus-based methods | reception theory | gesture studies | conceptual metaphor theory | framing