Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Indian Institute of Technology Dhanbad plays a role.



Pallavi, Kiran & Rahman Mojibur 2018 A preliminary pragmatic model to evaluate poetry translation
Babel 64:3pp. 434–463 | article
Keywords poetry translation | pragmatic evaluation | Preliminary Pragmatic Model | Vahid’s Model | House’s Model | traduction de la poésie | évaluation pragmatique | modèle pragmatique préliminaire | modèle de Vahid | modèle de House
Orgeira Crespo, Raquel, Carmen Toledano Buendia, Zsuzsanna Ardo, Anne Barlovatz, Rajendra Singh & Karim Menacere 2002 Bibliographical and Lexicographical Information
Babel 47:1pp. 83–96 | other
Singh, Rajendra 2002 Review of “Selected couplets from The Sakhi in transversion” by Kabir
Babel 47:4pp. 377–382 | book review