University of Aberdeen


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Aberdeen plays a role.


Doric: The dialect of North-East Scotland

J. Derrick McClure

[Varieties of English Around the World, T8] 2002. vi, 219 pp. | monograph
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Scots and its Literature

J. Derrick McClure

[Varieties of English Around the World, G14] 1996. vi, 218 pp. | monograph
Subjects English linguistics | Germanic linguisticsEnglish literature & literary studies
Barras, William 2015 Lancashire
In: Researching Northern English, Hickey, Raymond (ed.) [Varieties of English Around the World, G55] pp. 271–292
Keywords cultural and historical context of Lancashire | data collection | definite article reduction | phonological variation | rhoticity
Jager, Bernadet & Alexandra A. Cleland 2015 Connecting the research fields of lexical ambiguity and figures of speech: Polysemy effects for conventional metaphors and metonyms
The Mental Lexicon 10:1pp. 133–151 | article
Keywords polysemy | ambiguity | homonymy | figurative | lexical decision | semantic categorization | mental lexicon | metaphors | metonyms | literal
Coyle, Do 2014 Motivating teachers and learners as researchers
In: Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From theory to practice, Lasagabaster, David, Aintzane Doiz & Juan Manuel Sierra (eds.) [Language Learning & Language Teaching, 40] pp. 51–69
Keywords CLIL | dialogic practices | learner-teacher research | strategic engagement | successful learning
Ingold, Timothy 2015 The creativity of undergoing
Pragmatics & Cognition 22:1pp. 124–139 | article
Keywords performance | undergoing | time | attention | Aspiration | creativity | copying | concrescence | calligraphy | education | doing | improvisation | imagination | history | lace-making | innovation | music | ontogenesis | notation
Fioratou, Evridiki & Stephen J. Cowley 2011 Insightful thinking: Cognitive dynamics and material artifacts
In: Distributed Language, Cowley, Stephen J. (ed.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 34] pp. 57–80
Durham, Mercedes 2011 Right dislocation in Northern England: Frequency and use — perception meets reality
English World-Wide 32:3pp. 257–279 | article
Keywords right dislocation | gender | Yorkshire English | age | variation
Fioratou, Evridiki & Stephen J. Cowley 2009 Insightful thinking: Cognitive dynamics and material artifacts
Pragmatics & Cognition 17:3pp. 549–572 | article
Keywords artifacts | distributed language | distributed cognition | extended mind | problem solving | insight
McColl Millar, Robert 2008 The origins and development of Shetland dialect in light of dialect contact theories
English World-Wide 29:3pp. 237–267 | article
Keywords Scots | Shetland | New Dialect Formation | Norn | Founder Effect
Watson, Cate 2008 Small stories, positioning analysis, and the doing of professional identities in learning to teach
Narrative Inquiry 17:2pp. 371–389 | article
Keywords Identity | Narrative | Professional identity | Teaching | Positioning analysis | Small stories | Student teachers
McColl Millar, Robert 2003 Review of Urban Scots Dialect Writing by Anette I. Hagan (2002)
English World-Wide 24:1pp. 122–126 | book review
McColl Millar, Robert 2003 Some suggestions for explaining the origin and development of the definite article in English
In: Pathways of Change: Grammaticalization in English, Fischer, Olga, Anette Rosenbach & Dieter Stein (eds.) [Studies in Language Companion Series, 53] pp. 275–310
Pearson, David G. & Robert H. Logie 2003 Working Memory and Mental Synthesis: A dual-task approach
In: Spatial Cognition: Foundations and applications, Ó Nualláin, Seán (ed.) [Advances in Consciousness Research, 26] pp. 347–359
Knight, Dawn, Anne O’Keeffe, Geraldine Mark, Christopher Fitzgerald, Justin McNamara, Svenja Adolphs, Benjamin Cowan, Tania Fahey Palma, Fiona Farr & Sandrine Peraldi Indicating engagement in online workplace meetings: The role of backchannelling head nods
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics | Online First Publication, 28 pp. | article