Comillas Pontifical University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Comillas Pontifical University plays a role.


Schäpers, Andrea 2023  Das Urbild der Menschheit de Krause en español: Un reto histórico
Babel 69:6pp. 749–765 | article
Keywords Krause | krausismo | historia de la traducción | Das Urbild der Menschheit | Karl Christian Friedrich Krause | krausism | translation history | Das Urbild der Menschheit
Aguirre Fernández Bravo, Elena 2022 Indirect interpreting: Stumbling block or stepping stone?: Spanish booth perceptions of relay
Target 34:3pp. 512–536 | article
Keywords simultaneous interpreting | indirect interpreting | relay interpreting | pivot | relay-taker | interpreting at the European Union | Spanish booth
Rodríguez Melchor, María Dolores, Manuela Motta, Elena Aguirre Fernández Bravo, Olga Egorova, Kate Ferguson & Tamara Mikolič Južnič 2020 Expertise and resources for interpreter training online: A student survey on pedagogical and technical dimensions of virtual learning environments
Babel 66:6pp. 950–972 | article
Keywords virtual classes | best practices | conference interpreter training | online resources | classes virtuelles | bonnes pratiques | formation des interprètes de conférence | ressources en ligne
Fernández Bravo, Elena Aguirre 2019 Metacognitive self-perception in interpreting
Translation, Cognition & Behavior 2:2pp. 147–164 | article
Keywords interpreting | interpreter training | introspection | metacognition | self-perception | self-regulation | monitoring
Schnell, Bettina & Nadia Rodríguez 2018 From El Gran Meaulnes to Meaulnes el Grande : A comparative study of the Spanish retranslations of a French classic
Babel 64:1p. 81 | article
Keywords retranslation | comparative study | corpus analysis | retraduction | étude comparative | analyse de corpus