University of Otago


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with University of Otago plays a role.


Case, Typology and Grammar: In honor of Barry J. Blake

Edited by Anna Siewierska & Jae Jung Song

[Typological Studies in Language, 38] 1998. 395 pp. | edited volume
Subjects Australian languages | Typology
Hall, Jon 2023 Cicero’s De Officiis, politeness and modern conduct manuals
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 24:1pp. 16–31 | article
Keywords Cicero | comportment | conduct manuals | conversation | Della Casa | De Officiis | manners | politeness | social class
Mori, Yoko & Elke Stracke 2021 Student teachers’ expectations and their sense of fulfillment in a TESOL program
Keywords expectations | practicum | sense of fulfillment | student satisfaction | TESOL student teachers
Nguyen, Thi Thuy Minh & Thi Thanh Thuy Pham 2021 L2 emails of complaints: Strategy use by low and high proficiency learners of English as a foreign language
In: Email Pragmatics and Second Language Learners, Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria, Milica Savić & Nicola Halenko (eds.) [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 328] pp. 41–70
Keywords Vietnamese EFL learners | complaints | computerised DCT | think-aloud protocols | proficiency
Mathieson, Fiona, Jennifer Jordan & Maria Stubbe 2020 Recent applications of metaphor research in cognitive behaviour therapy
Metaphor and the Social World 10:2pp. 199–213 | article
Keywords cognitive behavioral therapy | metaphor identification | metaphor co-construction | case conceptualization | therapy process
Overall, Simon E. 2019 Parrots, peccaries, and people: Imagery and metaphor in Aguaruna (Chicham) magic songs
Keywords magic | song | anen | metaphor | Chicham | Jivaroan
Hall, Jon 2019 Seneca’s De Beneficiis and non-verbal politeness in ancient Rome
Journal of Historical Pragmatics 20:2pp. 225–243 | article
Keywords  De Beneficiis | facial expression | non-verbal politeness | refusals | requests | Seneca (the Younger)
Overall, Simon E., Rosa Vallejos & Spike Gildea 2018 Nonverbal predication in Amazonia: Typological and diachronic considerations
In: Nonverbal predication in Amazonian languages, Overall, Simon, Rosa Vallejos & Spike Gildea (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 122] pp. 1–50
Overall, Simon E. 2018 Nonverbal predicates and copula constructions in Aguaruna (Chicham)
In: Nonverbal predication in Amazonian languages, Overall, Simon, Rosa Vallejos & Spike Gildea (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 122] pp. 135–162
Keywords copula | verbless clause | nominalization | auxiliation
Stracke, Elke & Vijay Kumar 2017 Exploring doctoral students’ perceptions of language use in supervisory written feedback practices – because “feedback is hard to have”
Keywords Doctoral writing | pragmatic feedback model | interview research | feedback | expressive function of speech
Shogimen, Takashi 2016 The pressure of coherence and the diachronic reconfigurations of metaphorical discourse: The case of the body politic metaphor in medieval political texts
Cognitive Linguistic Studies 3:1pp. 50–69 | article
Keywords pressure of coherence | metaphorical discourse | Body politic | historical cognitive linguistics. | diachronic reconfiguration | diachronic variation of metaphor
Krägeloh, Chris & Tia N. Neha 2014 Lexical expansion and terminological planning in indigenous and planned languages: Comparisons between Te Reo Māori and Esperanto
Keywords Esperanto | language revitalization | terminological planning | lexical expansion | Te Reo Maori | planned language | indigenous language
Tribble, Evelyn 2011 Languaging in Shakespeare's theatre
In: Distributed Language, Cowley, Stephen J. (ed.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 34] pp. 101–115
Song, Jae Jung 2011 There’s more than “more animate”: The Organization/Document Construction in Korean
In: Case, Animacy and Semantic Roles, Kittilä, Seppo, Katja Västi & Jussi Ylikoski (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 99] pp. 183–206
Song, Jae Jung 2011 English as an official language in South Korea: Global English or social malady?
Keywords meritocracy | education | Global English | South Korea | official language | power relations
Song, Jae Jung 2010 Korean benefactive particles and their meanings
In: Benefactives and Malefactives: Typological perspectives and case studies, Zúñiga, Fernando & Seppo Kittilä (eds.) [Typological Studies in Language, 92] pp. 393–418
Tribble, Evelyn 2009 Languaging in Shakespeare’s theatre
Pragmatics & Cognition 17:3pp. 596–610 | article
Keywords gesture | distributed language | theatre | Shakespeare | written language bias
Taylor, John R. 2005 Why Construction Grammar is radical
Annual Review of Cognitive Linguistics 2:1pp. 321–348 | review article
Keywords Radical Construction Grammar | constructional idioms | compositionality