TU Dortmund University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with TU Dortmund University plays a role.


Crossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative corpus approaches within and beyond linguistics

Edited by Sarah Buschfeld, Patricia Ronan, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff & Lisa Westermayer

[Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 119] 2024. | edited volume
Subjects Corpus linguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Ronan, Patricia, Sarah Buschfeld, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff & Lisa Westermayer 2024 Introduction: Crossing discipline boundaries with corpus‑linguistic methods
In: Crossing Boundaries through Corpora: Innovative corpus approaches within and beyond linguistics, Buschfeld, Sarah, Patricia Ronan, Theresa Neumaier, Andreas Weilinghoff & Lisa Westermayer (eds.) [Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 119] pp. 1–6
Sahlender, Moritz & Inga ten Hagen 2024 Do teachers adapt their gestures in linguistically heterogeneous second language teaching to learners’ language proficiencies?
Gesture 22:2pp. 189–226 | article
Keywords second language acquisition | teachers’ gestures | adaptive teaching
Neumaier, Theresa 2023 New Englishes and Conversation Analysis: Turn-taking as a factor in explaining syntactic variation
In: New Englishes, New Methods: Methodological considerations, Wilson, Guyanne & Michael Westphal (eds.) [Varieties of English Around the World, G68] pp. 65–83
Keywords Conversation Analysis | interaction | turn-taking | turn-holding | topicalization | syntax | Asian Corpus of English | International Corpus of English | Southeast Asian Englishes | Caribbean Englishes | New Englishes
Oyebola, Folajimi & Warsa Melles 2023 Question intonation patterns in Nigerian English
In: New Englishes, New Methods: Methodological considerations, Wilson, Guyanne & Michael Westphal (eds.) [Varieties of English Around the World, G68] pp. 108–131
Keywords intonation patterns | Nigerian English | tones and break indices | New Englishes | question forms
Wilden, Eva, Raphaela Porsch & Michael Schurig 2020 An early start in primary EFL education and the role of teacher qualification and teaching quality
Keywords foreign language education | English as a foreign language | primary school | teaching quality | teacher qualification | age of onset
Cristante, Valentina & Sarah Schimke 2020 The processing of passive sentences in German: Evidence from an eye-tracking study with seven- and ten-year-olds and adults
Language, Interaction and Acquisition 11:2pp. 163–195 | article
Keywords passive sentences | sentence processing | morphosyntax | eye-tracking | primary school children | phrases passives | traitement de phrases | morphosyntaxe | suivi oculaire | élèves du primaire
Ronan, Patricia 2020 Question strategies in the Old Bailey Corpus
Keywords Late Modern English | Old Bailey Corpus | courtroom discourse | question strategies | continuum of control
Quasthoff, Uta & Juliane Stude 2020 Children’s narrative interactions: Practices – competences – acquisition
Narrative Inquiry 31:1pp. 147–162 | article
Keywords interaction | acquisition | practices | narrative competence | genres | longitudinal study | context | contextualization | personal narratives | fantasy stories
Wimmer, Eva & Martina Penke 2020 The comprehension of wh-questions and passives in German children and adolescents with Down syndrome
Keywords Down syndrome | developmental disorders | language impairment | language comprehension | wh-questions | passive sentences | sentence-comprehension deficits
Lüke, Carina & Ute Ritterfeld 2015 The influence of iconic and arbitrary gestures on novel word learning in children with and without SLI
Gesture 14:2pp. 204–225 | article
Keywords gestures | SLI | novel word learning | slow mapping | fast mapping
Quasthoff, Uta M. 2013 Positioning as membership management: The case of narratives about public authorities
Narrative Inquiry 23:1pp. 132–153 | article
Keywords authority | complaint stories | bureaucracy | positioning | membership categorization | narrative
Buschfeld, Sarah The question of structural nativization in Namibian English: Some answers from extended uses of the progressive
Keywords Namibian English | structural nativization | EFL | ESL | progressive marking
Buschfeld, Sarah, Claus Weihs & Patricia Ronan Modeling Linguistic Landscapes: A comparison of St Martin’s two capitals Philipsburg and Marigot
Linguistic Landscape | Online First Publication, 33 pp. | article