Corvinus University of Budapest


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Corvinus University of Budapest plays a role.


Visual Metaphors: Special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies 7:1 (2020)

Edited by Réka Benczes & Veronika Szelid

[Cognitive Linguistic Studies, 7:1] 2020. | special issue
Subjects Cognition and language | Cognitive linguistics | Neurolinguistics | PsycholinguisticsCognitive psychology
Szelid, Veronika & Réka Benczes 2022 From verbality to visuality* : An introduction
In: Visual Metaphors, Benczes, Réka & Veronika Szelid (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 124] pp. 1–12
Virág, Ágnes 2022 Multimodal conceptual patterns of Hungary in political cartoons*
In: Visual Metaphors, Benczes, Réka & Veronika Szelid (eds.) [Benjamins Current Topics, 124] pp. 231–262
Keywords political cartoon | multimodality | metaphtonymy scenario | hungary
Szabó, Lilla Petronella & Gabriella Szabó 2022 Attack of the critics: Metaphorical delegitimisation in Viktor Orbán’s discourse during the Covid-19 pandemic
Journal of Language and Politics 21:2pp. 255–276 | article
Keywords Covid-19 | delegitimisation | discourse dynamics approach | metaphorical language
Benczes, Réka & Lilla Petronella Szabó 2022 Onomatopoeia and metonymy
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 20:1pp. 195–209 | article
Keywords English | onomatopoeia | metonymy | echoic | imitative
Benczes, Réka 2021 
Review of Cognitive Linguistics 19:1pp. 266–271 | book review
Benczes, Réka & Bence Ságvári 2021 Migrants are not welcome: Metaphorical framing of fled people in Hungarian online media, 2015–2018
Journal of Language and Politics 21:3pp. 413–434 | article
Keywords framing | metaphor | migrant | Hungary | media | immigrant | asylum seeker | migration
Szelid, Veronika & Réka Benczes 2020 From verbality to visuality: Introduction to the special issue
Cognitive Linguistic Studies 7:1pp. 1–12 | introduction
Virág, Ágnes 2020 Multimodal conceptual patterns of Hungary in political cartoons
Cognitive Linguistic Studies 7:1pp. 222–253 | article
Keywords political cartoon | multimodality | metaphtonymy scenario | hungary