Umm al-Qura University


List of John Benjamins publications for which someone affiliated with Umm al-Qura University plays a role.


Research Methods in Vocabulary Studies

Philip Durrant, Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, Benjamin Kremmel & Suhad Sonbul

[Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 2] 2022. | course book
Subjects Applied linguistics | Language acquisition | Language teaching
Al-Subhi, Aisha Saadi 2024 Interactional multimodal metadiscourse in public health posters during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pragmatics and Society | Online First Publication, 27 pp. | article
Alghamdi, Ayman & Eric Atwell 2019 Constructing a corpus-informed list of Arabic formulaic sequences (ArFSs) for language pedagogy and technology
Keywords lexical resources | Arabic formulaic sequences | multi-word expressions | language pedagogy | mixed methods